Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Be Prepared to Be Obedient

Sometimes it appears to me that God’s people believe He will simply rain pennies or dollars from heaven to meet their needs.  In truth God gives us the gifts and callings to accomplish all His will for our lives and then expects us to use those talents to His glory while He causes all things to work together for our good.  Every day people cry out in pain to God while complaining that He doesn’t miraculously do everything for them.  He has PREPARED a way for you to travel in this great walk we call life.  In Joshua 3:4 God said Israel was to follow the ark of the Lord because they did not know the way to go.  It was new to them.  In like manner we are to follow the Spirit of God and the Word of God because we do not know where we are going.  If we do not seek the Lord and discern His directions then we can become lost and unprofitable.

Psalm 143:8-9 says, “Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.  Deliver me, O Lord, from mine enemies: I flee unto thee to hide me.”  All this brings us to John 14:5 where Thomas asks Jesus how we can know the way to serve God.  Jesus answers and says, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by Me.”  This one verse silences every single instance of someone saying, “There are many ways to come to God.” 

Walking with God is not a guess or a blind stab in the dark.  His scripture is clear, concise and very accurate.  2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”  Scripture is inspired, without error and perfect.  It will never be proved wrong nor will it ever fail to come to pass.  Chapter 4 of this book goes on to say that in the end people will no longer ENDURE sound doctrine; but after their own lusts will heap to themselves teachers who will tickle their itching ears.”  Another way of saying it is, “they will no longer put up with hygienic and clean doctrine but their own forbidden lusts and longings will lead them into error.  They will accumulate teachers who will pleasantly tickle their ears.”  Is that problem familiar to anyone in the world today?  Notice it also says that it is our own longings that get us into trouble.  God has said we must live a certain way.  He says we WILL have feelings and desires that are not in line with His commandments.  Obedience says, “I will do your will Lord, no matter my feelings.” 

If our own longings drive us into sin…are they bad?  Your longings come from your flesh.  They are carnal (sarx and sarkikos) the Bible says (Romans 7:14, 8:7, 1 Corinthians 3:1-4).  Romans says they are enmity with God, hostile toward Him.  Our passion toward our wife or husband is sarkikos but it is lawful because God has made this outlet for our natural urges.  It must however be kept under control.  This is why we are forbidden to take part in illicit, illegal lusts such as non-marital sexual relations or homosexual or bestiality.  All these are forbidden by God in the Law and ratified in the New Testament.  They are not ‘allowed’ simply because we are under grace. 

The end of Romans 5 explains that the law comes to show us our sin and says where sin abounds there is more grace.  Some have chosen to say this means we are free to live these forbidden lifestyles because it causes grace to abound.  This is false because the beginning of Romans 6 makes it clear that while sin causes grace to abound we are not therefore free to sin so we might collect more grace.  He explains in verse 2 that we who are dead to sin cannot live in it any longer.  We are baptized into Christ’s death.  Do you suppose Jesus never felt the desire to embrace a woman and enjoy that particular passion?  He was tempted like every one of us (Hebrews 4:15) and yet without sin.  Because Jesus was not a slave to the nitpicking legalists (Pharisees, scribes, Sadducees, lawyers, etc.) the various sin lobbies would like us to think He is one of them.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

God gave the law to Moses.  There is no doubt that these lifestyles were condemned by the Law and by the Lord.  Bestiality, homosexuality, rape, murder, fornication and many others were all death penalty offences before God.  Did Jesus come to make them lawful?  Is Jesus greater than God?  Scripture says that God never changes (Malachi 3:6).  It is this unchangeableness that sinners desperately need and passionately hate and detest.  It is His unchangeableness that makes His Word perfect.  God never tries to get out of keeping His Word.  He ALWAYS keeps it.  So back to my first question, is Jesus greater than God?

John 1:1, the very first verse of the most spiritually focused of all the gospels says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  We say God is a triune God because there are three attributes of that godhead.  There is the Father (His choice of terms, not ours), the Word (how we come to know Him), and the Spirit (how we come to experience Him).  These three attributes all function perfectly and with total agreement with one another.  We ourselves are triune but we fight against ourselves.  We are spirit, we reason with our mind and live in this body.  If we have asked Christ to enter us and be our Savior then our Spirit is perfect, obeying God.  Our minds can only be renewed by the Word of God, and our flesh…  Our flesh wars against us…every…single…day.

Our spirit says, “You are healed!”  Our flesh says, “I’m sick.”  Our minds either say, “I’m sick,” or it says, “I am healed by the stripes of Jesus!”  It all depends upon whether or not we have had our minds renewed by the Word of God (Ephesians 4).  We live in a constant state of inner turmoil.  Is it any wonder that Paul cried, “O wretched man that I am!!! (Romans 7:24)?

As I said, God is a triune God.  We often mention the trinity of God and too many of us do not understand what that means.  God the Father, God the Word / Son and God the Spirit are ONE.  They agree on all things.  There is no warfare within His members.  If I give you my word that I will come on a specific day and help you it requires that I choose to keep my word, that I have the strength or ability to keep my word and that I actually follow through and keep my word.   If God tells you He will keep His Word He will simply send His Word and His Word will keep itself.  His Word can function independently and yet with total agreement with the Father.  If His Word needs assistance (as happened often when Jesus became flesh), then the Spirit will come to His assistance.  They are yet in agreement.

I’ve said all this to make it clear that Jesus is not separate from the God who gave Moses the Law.  Jesus is the Law wrapped in grace and human flesh.  He came to die as the lamb of God since God said in the Law that only by shedding of blood might someone’s sins be forgiven (Hebrews chapter 9 makes this clear.)  Because He came in grace, many believe this grace is a license to sin and that they will still be forgiven and blessed by God.  This is a twisted lie put forth by Satan.  It is constantly thrown into believing Christian’s faces that Jesus was not bound by religion. 

Since religion is how we have chosen to obey God by specific actions and rules, then Jesus was far less ‘religious’ than the scribes and Pharisees of His day.  Jesus ALWAYS observed the SPIRIT of the law if not the priests interpretation of it.  It’s not that God doesn’t expect us to obey certain rules and do things certain ways, it is that the scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees added to the original 613 laws governing Israel, hundreds, perhaps thousands of nitpicking rules which made even making your bed on a Sabbath day a sin. 

Before we look upon them too harshly lets look into our own societies.  We say that murder (killing someone in anger or for gain) is a crime.  God had two categories for unlawfully ending someone’s life, accidental and in anger.  If it was accidental they can run to a refuge city and remain there in safety until the High Priest died.  If in anger it was murder and you died.  We have divided it into accidental (manslaughter), unpremeditated (got mad and killed them) and premeditated (planned and killed them) or a new category “Hate Crimes” killing due to race or some other criteria.  We have decided that the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment for causing someone else’s death and so now murderers have no compunction for killing.  God’s Word was specific about murders.  He understood the psychology of man better than we do.  "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man." (Genesis 9:6).  Whenever someone is put to death for murder the understanding is that we have killed someone who destroyed something made in God’s image.

In the world today this makes no sense.  The Jews called Christ a stumbling block.  Blood was forbidden to eat since life was in the blood.  Many pagan religions have the drinking of blood as part of their celebrations.  Jesus was the lamb of God and had to be partaken of for forgiveness.  When Jesus said we must drink His blood and eat His flesh he lost even more converts.  That He was speaking in the Spirit did not matter.  The gentiles called the work of Christ foolishness.  Today these responses to the work of Christ continue.  In the end they commanded the gentiles that they should not partake of blood, of eating things strangled (due to pagan practices) or fornication (which includes all forms of lasciviousness (Acts 15:20, 29; 21:25)).

This is why it says in Hebrews 11:6 that we must believe in God and have faith in Him.  Without faith it is impossible to believe in God.

The freedom we have in Christ is not the freedom to sin; it is the power of God to free us from sin (Romans 1:16, 1 Peter 1:5).  God has empowered us and expects us to follow His commandments according to His word.  When we fail to do so we are in sin.  We MUST study to show ourselves approved by God (2 Timothy 2:15).  We cannot live for God and disregard His scriptures and live any way we might want to (John 14:15).  Your affection for someone does not change or modify God’s Words simply because we have chosen to call that affection love (Proverbs 24:19-22).  Love is selfless.  Love is not defined by your passions.  Love is defined by your obedience to God and your concern for others.  Love suffers a long time while remaining kind (1 Corinthians 13:4).

The non-religious world continues to push at us insisting that we give up our beliefs for the ‘good of the whole.’  They have chosen – against even their own beliefs and opinions – to accept evil and all it good so they do not appear politically incorrect.  We the body of Christ must continue to spread the love and grace of God while standing against perversions and falsehoods.  Christianity is at a turning point here in America.  There is a great falling away as required in scripture (2 Thessalonians 2:3).  Many will chose to join the great ecumenical movement.  Many will chose to abandon their faith.  Many will chose to turn to another religion that they believe is stronger and more likely to protect them. 

In Christ we are sheep for the slaughter (Romans 8:36).  Christ stood in this position first (Acts 8:32) and we are to emulate our savior.  If we panic at the thought of this it is because our lives on earth have become too comfortable for us to faithfully serve God.  He is no longer the most important being in our lives.  The foot race is nearly ended.  The horses are at the gate (Jeremiah 12:5).  Will you be able to keep up?  The Jordan is swelling with Muslims who hate and despise us, with homosexuals who ridicule us for our godly positions and with those who slay and murder falsely in the Name of the Lord. 

This scripture in Jeremiah continues: 

Jeremiah 12:6 For even thy brethren, and the house of thy father, even they have dealt treacherously with thee; yea, they have called a multitude after thee: believe them not, though they speak fair words unto thee.

Our own brethren in Christ have begun to mock our stand.  They say scripture is allegory and story and not to be lived.  They say it is a fable to be gleaned about the corners but not reaped for its depth and sustenance.  They call themselves Christians and yet they are like Egypt who if a man leans upon it is but a bruised reed, piercing the hand.  There is no strength.

Jeremiah 12:7 I have forsaken mine house, I have left mine heritage; I have given the dearly beloved of my soul into the hand of her enemies. 8 Mine heritage is unto me as a lion in the forest; it crieth out against me: therefore have I hated it

Finally, these light Christians have forsaken the house of their God.  They give their heritage and eternal souls into the hand of their enemies through their backslidings and declarations of fealty to sinful life.  No longer do they find pleasure in the words of God or the blood of the Lamb.  It is as terrifying to them as a lion in the forest which threatens their peace of natural mind and fills them with fear.  They begin to hate us because of our faith and our refusal to believe a lie.  In their hatred they will join themselves to the sinner and the giver of lies (Job 13:4) and they will seek to destroy us.

Like Cain whose deeds were evil they will seek to slay their former brothers and our blood will stain the ground (1 John 3:12).  It will cry out to God and we will begin to cry, “How long O Lord.  When will you avenge us? (Revelation 6:10)” 

Will you stand beloved?

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