Thursday, July 25, 2013

Your Part is Key!

Ephesians 1:15-23

In this passage of scripture Paul is letting the church in Ephesus know that they are in his heart and under his apostolic covering.  I have had people tell me their faith is private and many do not believe you need to attend a local church where your presence is acknowledged by a pastor.  This is one of the most foolish ideas to filter through the church.  In the first place we are the BODY of Christ and as His body we must function with some measure of unity and cohesion to be effective. 

You can’t really say, “Hey, there’s a church in Botswana that is doing good things,” unless you know of the church and they are a unified entity.  You can’t have heard of them unless they fellowship with other ministries that eventually connect to yours.  A disconnected church is a dysfunctional church whether it is a church of one or ten thousand, and will never flow into the work of God.  It’s bad enough that so many churches these days fight against one another and blaspheme God’s good name by their anti-Christian words and deeds.  A church is empowered by faith and faith works by love.  Without God’s anointing we are nothing more than a club who bears some resemblance to a church.  Without His love and grace we are wolves in sheep’s clothing driven by our own desires whether good or evil.

15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, 16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers;

Paul had originally brought the word to Ephesus and had sent his spiritual son Timothy to watch over it and care for the flock.  Notice it says Paul heard of their faith in the Lord Jesus.  Faith without works is dead (James 2:20-26) so what Paul heard is how the church went forth in faith, ignoring the danger of preaching the Gospel in a pagan society and winning converts.  They must have prayed for the sick and seen them healed, fed the hungry, helped the poor and given purpose and hope to the dispossessed. 

Paul wasn’t referring to some utopian society but was talking about their actions and faith in the face of adversity and grief.  Revelation 2:2 speaks about their labors and good deeds, but Jesus had some strong words against them for leaving their first love.  Faith requires works to show it is vibrant and alive but never mistake works for the love which is to motivate them.  If you lost that love and struggle to care, motivated only by habit or the good feeling you get by the recognition of your acts, you are in danger of God’s judgment.  Faith requires works but MUST be motivated by love.

The beauty of their FIRST LOVE was their love for Jesus which motivated the good works Paul was mentioning.  It was their love for our Savior that motivated him to give glory to God on their behalf and to pray for their continued progress in that love and deeds.  Ask yourself; do your acts and the motivation behind them shine for the world to see?  God is willing to put you on a pedestal as long as it is to lift HIM higher.

17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

Of all the motivations behind his prayer Paul desired they receive the wisdom of God.  Following a close second he desired they receive God’s revelation and prophetic leading.  I’ve heard lying prophets, wishful prophets and confused prophets.  I guess you could say that the last two haven’t arrived and the first one never will.  People lie to make themselves look better and some read 1 Corinthians 14:1 and just KNOW that God has made them a prophet.  I suspect God would be more willing to give the prophetic and revelatory gifts to those who are not so quick to pad their utterances with some personal hurt feelings here and there. 

If your motivation is not to raise up God while maintaining your humility (difficult in the best of times for powerful prophets), then God has no use for you.  He will not share His glory with us.  He honors us enough to allow us to walk along side Him in this life.  There is a certain glory we are given as you can read in the following verse.

18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

Ask yourself a question.  Would you say that the body of Christ in its entirety is enlightened?  I sometimes wonder what percentage of ‘Christians’ have never asked Jesus into their hearts to forgive their sins.  How many believe in speaking in tongues or the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit as given in 1 Corinthians 12:8-.  Why have so many churches raised the office of bishop to the highest office and denied the present apostolic movement of the Spirit of God. 

We’re supposed to be healthy, not by a visit to your local doctor, but by Jesus’ stripes.  I have been reading a WONDERFUL book on forgiveness by T.D. Jakes entitled, “Let It Go.”  In this book he explains how we drain ourselves emotionally and physically by holding onto unforgiveness while expecting to receive all the blessings of our Lord’s forgiveness.  In another book written by Joel Osteen’s father John Osteen he speaks of our constantly growing faith as it says in Romans 1:17.  Your faith isn’t just there all at once.  You get a small measure with salvation but it is up to you to make it grow.

Faith is a process and not a destination.  The great preacher and friend of orphans, George Mueller once said that you must first learn to believe for toothpaste before you can believe for Steak dinners.  One of his orphan children said, “Pastor Mueller, I’m hungry.”  He asked the child, “Have you prayed?”  When the child said he didn’t know how to pray George led him in prayer.  A short time later one of the local women realized she had purchased too many groceries for her household and asked if the orphanage could use the extra food.  Faith is a process like body building.  Exercise it.

You may spend a lot of time in Gold’s Gym, but how much time do you spend in God’s Gym?  (Gold’s Gym is a well known gymnasium in America)

I have frequently heard of wealthy parents who disowned their undisciplined and lazy children, preferring to give their wealth to an organization that will help people in need.  All the blessings and wealth of God is available for our use but He will not release it to you unless He knows where it will go and what it will accomplish.  Sitting on the sidelines comes from failing to develop and faithfully operate your gifts.  God needs YOU to know that YOU will do what HE WANTS with what He gives you. 

It’s not a surprise to HIM but often is to each individual He tests.  Peter stepped out on the water and stumbled afterwards; but it did build his faith.  He denied Jesus again and again, but it continued to build his faith.  At the end people were healed by the touch of his shadow alone.  Failures need not drive you out of the promise if they move you to greater steps of faith.  I’ve heard people say, “Do not attempt…do.”  I say, “Continue to attempt until you do.”  Growth is a process.  Sometimes you stumble.  Don’t let someone bury you after a failure.  Get it right and get on with it.  Do better next time.

F.B. Meyer said:  “Fit yourself for God’s service; be faithful.  He will presently appoint thee…  In some unlikely corner, in a shepherd’s hut, or in an artisan’s cottage, God has His prepared and appointed instrument.  As yet the shaft is hidden in His quiver, in the shadow of His hand; but at the precise moment at which it will tell with the greatest effect, it will be produced and launched on the air.”

19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us- ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, 20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,

Look at verse 19.  What is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us?  It isn’t good enough to say the greatness of His power toward us but the EXCEEDING greatness; surpassing and going beyond any expectation we had any right to hope for.  I am reminded of king Joash during a time when Elisha was sick and about to die (2 Kings 13:14).  In this case he told Joash to shoot an arrow out the window Eastward toward Syria who had been plaguing Israel.  He gave the king direction and made sure the shot went true so the strength of Israel would not be misdirected. 

That first part was guided and directed by God Himself through the prophet.  In the second part God tested the king to see where his heart was.  Was Joash passionate in his hatred of this enemy of God’s people?  Did a fire burn that would consume their enemies?  In verse 18 Elisha told the king to take several arrows and strike the ground.  Notice God did not give an explanation for this act.  He did not tell Joash through Elisha that this was both a test and a promise.  Joash took hold of the arrows and struck the ground three times. 

The purpose was not to seek the help of our triune God or past, present or future or any other cute analogy a preacher might come up with.  The purpose was to determine the FIRE in Joash’s heart.  His hatred and fury toward God’s ancient enemy should have caused him to take the arrows in both hands and strike the ground until his breath came in ragged gasps.  Elisha was furious.  His final prophecy for his people, God’s people and this king wasted it.  He failed to show a passion and zeal for God’s service.  Israel would not destroy Syria; they would only defeat them three times.  Today, thousands of years later, Syria is still a thorn poking Israel in the side; all because of a weak king.

In John 2:15, Jesus drove the bankers out of the house of God in fury.  This caused his disciples to remember that in Psalms 69:9 it was written, “The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.”  Has the zeal for God’s work eaten you up yet?  How can you expect to receive the EXCEEDING GREATNESS of God’s power if you do not passionately desire it and FIGHT FOR IT? 

It is rarely SAFE to receive the ‘exceeding greatness’ of God’s power.  The danger does not come from God Himself, but from all the principalities and powers of wickedness that strive to prevent your success.  YOU have a part in this great work.  Your part is not to merely be a vessel for the power of God to flow, but to be driven and motivated by your love of God to accomplish great works using His power.  Do you have the heart for it?

You may die or be hated for using this power in its fullness.  Jesus did.  You may be tortured and abused.  Peter, Isaiah and Paul were.  I have always found it amusing to hear that a preacher retired.  How can you be a man or woman of God and retire.  If we are in Christ, our rest comes after we are dead.  It is not safe to walk in Christ but it is rewarding.

In the verse above we see that God has seated Christ at his right hand.  The right hand is a place of power and authority.  Where are we while our Lord sits in this exalted position?  We are seated at God’s right hand of course.  We are the body of Christ.  He is the head.  The head sits upon the body so the body is in the seat.  If we are seated the victory is won.  God is fighting.  Matthew 22:44 says, “The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool.”

21 Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:

The amplified version says it this way, “21 Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only in this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world which are to come.”

We stand above presidents and potentates; above situations and financial status.  We are not beneath.  If you live in a mud shack in the middle of a field of dirt you are greater than the wealthiest sinner on Earth.  The question I suppose is whether or not you are ready for this honor or will you fall short like Joash?  Only God knows but you have a great deal to say about it.  Scripture says we will rule and reign over cities in the world to come. 

Mankind largely misses the fact that this planet we live on is temporary.  God never intended it to hold us forever.  Most would rather call faith in God foolishness and reduce the benefits of life in joy in Christ so they can preserve this fallen globe in the politically correct name of Greenpeace or the Sierra Club.  I was raised to respect this home God has given us and to treat it with respect as a gift from God but I NEVER forget that WE are created in the image and likeness of God and it is an important planet only because WE live here and not some gorilla in Africa or rodent in South America.  We are the reason for God’s notice, not this ball of dirt.

22 And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, 23 Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

All things are under Christ’s feet and therefore under the church’s feet.  We carry the head.  We are the body, the fullness of HIM that fills all in all.  We are the fullness of Christ and send His power out to others.  We bring the saving Word of God to the lost and unsaved.  We smite the sin of the Earth with arrows of faith until we utterly defeat our enemies. 

Beloved, do not allow your fears to steal what God has promised.  Always remember that it is not dependent upon God alone.  You too must do your part and fulfill your purpose.  The very first commandment of God says that you must love the Lord with all your heart; your soul; your mind AND your strength (Mark 12:30).  You must POUR yourself into this life so God can use every bit of you to accomplish His purpose. 


Bishop J

Friday, July 19, 2013

James Chapter 4 - You Want What?

1 From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?

Paul said, “I have learned to be content in whatever state I find myself (Philippians 4:11).  How many church members can say this applies to them?  It’s one thing to have a passion for your work or to want to succeed.  It’s another to want what someone else has and work to get it away from them.  That is lust and according to this verse it causes our very members to combat one another.  With the fields white (past the point of harvest) with wheat what do we do in the church?  Try to win someone else’s members.  I do understand finding the church God has chosen for you but why would you want to take from another church or saint of God?  James is not writing to the unsaved alone here but also to the church.

The unsaved often run to these lusts and desires, but the church frequently falls into the very same ones.  This is a sad truth which displays a serious lack of integrity and consecration on our part.

2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.

Cain had a brother who loved him but Abel did what was right in God’s sight and that angered Cain.  He killed Abel.  Joseph had ten brothers and God began to receive visions and dreams from God.  He was his father’s favorite and Jacob gave him many gifts.  Jealous brothers sold him into slavery.  David took another man’s wife and slept with her making her pregnant.  Then he had the husband killed when the man proved to be too honorable to go home and enjoy his wife while all Israel lived in tents on the battle field.  David had him killed. 

In the last case God rebuked David by the prophet Nathan (2 Samuel 12:7-8).  He told David that had he but asked God would have given him even more wives and concubines.  Because he took what was not his God allowed David’s son Absalom to rise up against David’s house and defile all his concubines before all of Jerusalem.  Ultimately, even after repenting, David was forced to see his own son killed and God would not allow David to be the one who built the temple.

Many of us fail to ask God for our hearts desire.  Perhaps we saw our neighbor’s wife or car or other ‘thing’ and chose to take it.  It’s likely we never asked God for one like that because we refused to stand in faith.  Because we failed to ask God, our eyes remained focused upon that which belonged to another.  Because we stretched forth our hands and took that unrighteous thing God brought great sorrow down upon our house.

3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

BJV - Ye church folks ask and receive not, because your heart is wrong and you only want it because someone else has it.  Remember, James is writing primarily to church members.  Even then the faith movement was alive and well.  Not sure how you say, ‘name it and claim it’ or ‘blab it and grab it’ in Greek, but there was a faith group, a holiness group, a traditional group and every other group we still have today.  There were Christian looking false sects and gross ignorance as well.

Well does scripture say, “there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9).”  Lessons like this aren’t saying you can’t pray in faith.  They say you need to pray in faith, be holy, be diligent, be humble, be bold, be gracious and loving, be unyielding, be flexible.  All these attributes, even those that seem to be contradictory, are necessary in the body in their season and in their proper time.  I know I’m going to get slammed here but I still believe there are those who will experience great hardship and privation because God expects us to have some understanding of what people are going through.  Not everyone will be wealthy and that is not such a terrible thing. 

The Bible lets us know that it is harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy man or noble man to get into Heaven (Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25).  Some saints are weak and some are strong.  God tailors our life to keep us spiritually safe and in a place where we can continue His work and purpose for our lives.  Just as some can partake of food offered to idols with no fear, others must avoid that same food because it is not in their faith to feel secure in that area.  Know thyself.

4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

In the previous verse James spoke of lust and now he clearly is calling church members adulterers and adulteresses, men and women of God who cheat on their Lord and have made bed partners of the world.  I wrote earlier about those who frown on interracial marriage but think nothing of marrying someone unsaved and not of the same species (we are God breathed, not dead flesh).  We are a new creation and should live as such.  If you are too in love with the world to live a sanctified (set apart) life toward God then you have made yourself an enemy of God.  You are living in two worlds, half and half, and that makes you lukewarm.

Partnering with the world does not merely mean in marriage.  It also means in business practices or how you deal with others.  If you allow the current throat cutting business practices to be part of your life, then you do not allow God to help others through your choices.  You have become an enemy in business, love, social circumstances and life in general.

God will spit you out.

5-- Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

I was thinking of someone who said, “I have to get me one of these.”  I look at all the ultralight aircraft and hang gliders and think, “I really want one of those.”  When I was a kid watching a movie and they dumped a brand new motorcycle into a lake so there was no evidence I said, “Noooooo!!!”  I wanted it.  When Paul wrote, “I have learned that in what ever state I find myself, to be content,” he was writing about a Godly spirit and not the flesh spirit that rules this current world.

Thou shalt not covet is one of the ten commandments.  It’s right up there with thou shalt not commit murder and thou shalt not steal.  You may ask what makes envy so terrible.  Corinthians says, “God divides to us special gifts, He gives several to each of us as He desires.”  Each and every one of us has these gifts.  We look at the gift to make money (and it is a gift) and the gift to lead people and we think, “I want those.”  We look at our own gifts and say, “No!  Not those.  I don’t want my gift to work that way.”  Here we are, angry with God over a gift He has given us and haven’t even stopped to consider that God, the Creator of the universe has specifically chosen our gifts to operate a specific way.  How can we possibly not want that?

6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

Scripture says to let the one who would be ruler of all first be the servant of all.  There’s a song we have sung in church often, “Victory, victory is mine.  Victory, victory is mine.  If I hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battles, victory, victory shall be mine.”  If we know that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, then where do we get the idea we should be arrogant and cocky?   I have made many mistakes over the years and suppose I will still make my share no matter how much I pray or study His Word.  Children can teach me how to praise and a babe in Christ might give me a much needed infusion of zeal.

I have said and done things over the years that I am not particularly proud of and am thankful for God’s saving and forgiving grace.  In the wisdom I have gained after more than thirty years in this life I understand certain things.  Most important of all after salvation itself is that God has a use for me.  It might not be what I am naturally talented at but it will use all my spiritual gifts.  Frankly, I am happiest repairing broken things and I suppose this pours out over my walk with God allowing me to help mend broken lives.

Neither gift is mine to lord over, because they all come from God above.  As long as I remember who I am in Him and remain faithful to His purpose for my life, I believe He will continue to use me to His glory and will have no need to ‘put me in my place (Luke 14:8-11).”  God rejoices in exalting His children but too often we make His job a long one by exalting ourselves which forces Him to abase us so we can be exalted to a higher position while still maintaining our humility.  Humility is good.  Arrogance?  Not so much. 

7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

The loudest argument offered by non-Christians is that we are out of step with the times and that things have changed.  I have it on good authority that the more things change, the more they remain the same.  God has given us absolutes and we strive to whittle those down into something we find more comfortable.  During Roman times they had temple prostitutes, now we have the internet sites that cater to our every whim and desire.  The only difference between people when Jesus walked on the Earth and now is that we are more technologically savvy.  Intellectually and spiritually  there is no difference.

We struggle to find meaning to life while watching more hours of television or playing more video games than we do working, much less getting to know our neighbors and bringing the knowledge of the Word of God to those around us.  People of other religions are moving into our neighborhoods and inviting US to come over for dinner so they can win our souls to their god.  If we are serious about this life, if we really intend to continue in it then we need to live it His way and for His purposes.  Our will must die so His might bear fruit.

Satan will not go quietly into the night.  He will fight you tooth and nail for the souls you win.  I wonder how many of us really believe that when we pray, “Satan the Lord rebuke you,” he must flee.  I hope we’re not like the seven sons of Sceva (Acts 19:14) who sought to stand in a power they did not understand or believe in and get beat down to their underwear.  It would be a shame to hear demon possessed say, “Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are YOU?” 

We are required to resist the devil.  That means to stand against him forcefully.  When an airplane propeller turns it pushes against the air.  You can’t see it but the force is enough to push the plane down the runway and up into the sky.  Our power is greater and just as invisible.  When we pray in the spirit realm, Satan is forced to acknowledge our superior power and flee from us.  The problem is that if we do not believe in our OWN power in Christ, how are we going to apply that power to our spiritual warfare.  The battle may be invisible but it is mighty and it is vicious.  Satan asks for no quarter and offers none.  He will kill you if he can.  The promise of God says he will flee from before you.  Believeth thou this?

8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

What a wonderful truth that God rejoices, honors and blesses His children when they draw close to Him.  One of the greatest revivals in US history, the Azusa Street Revival began as one man humbled himself, bowed his head in an empty wood crate, and prayed until God moved in a powerful way.  He wasn’t the smartest or most famous; he was simply the faithful and most hungry for God’s presence.  His sacrifice bubbled up and flowed over thousands of lives and ministries.

Are your hands clean?  Pray with me.  Lord, forgive me for my sins.  I have fallen short in so many ways and my heart’s desire is to fulfill your will in my life.  Cleanse me Father.  Purify my soul and strengthen me to be faithful and to obey your will.  I love you Lord and desire to serve you fully.  Make me strong and full of your Holy Spirit.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Once you have prayed and sought God’s grace and mercy, you need to abstain from all the ‘mess’ you have filled your mind with and pray that God’s Word will work great miracles in your life.  Let the words of your mouth and the attitudes of your heart be fully and completely sold old to God.  It is easy to surrender to flesh and sin.  Living in the spirit takes a real effort of will, yours and His.

Once your hearts have been purified by God’s grace, it’s time to embrace and walk in His Word.  A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.  No matter how much you might want to do a thing, if you don’t focus on God and release all the various inconsequential parts of your life to Him, you will never truly succeed.  You can only serve one master.  Save yourself a great deal of pain and make that master God.  Sin and flesh are terrible and wanton taskmasters who are never full. 

9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.

Most of us read this and think … what?  We don’t understand why we should be afflicted or mourn or weep, but the truth is this passage speaks to those who have chosen the world’s system of happiness and joy rather than God’s.  All worldly pleasures will come to an end.  Illegal pleasures will end quicker still as this fallen flesh we live in ages and decays.  The fifteen year old who fights against her parents and authority will soon be thirty, possibly unemployed or raising children alone without help.  Perhaps she’ll get her act together and shine, but without God her every choice just leads her deeper down that road of sin and shame.

I watched this nice kid, Justin Bieber, who gradually made bad choice after bad choice and because of his money he gets away with his decisions for a season.  He has money, fame and finds himself in trouble regularly because of immature choices.  It’s possible he may remain on top or find someone who inspires him to do better, but with certainty, one day, his life will end and his truth begin.  Fame and wealth will prove fleeting in the face of a God who demands obedience and reverence. 

God does not allow us to carry our sin into the Christian walk.  It must die as we must die to self.  He gave us skills and insists they be used for His glory.  Whatever is not done in faith to God and according to His Word is sin, and sin cannot live in the sight of God.  We will not live forever and we must choose to serve God or not while in this life.  If we choose not we will weep and howl and lose everything.  If yes, we have a chance to grow.

10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

Our God has no problem making a positive example of us, i.e. making us famous or wealthy.  He says, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me.”  God wants to save souls.  If that means we will be raised to a level in Christ where we can be seen and set an example, so be it.  Hard nails get hammered.  Soft material gets sanded and shaped.  There is a difficult process for us all but if we look to Him, the author and finisher of our faith, we will be used for great things.  We are the body of Christ and in that position, we must be lifted up if we are to lift Him up.  Our problems come when we are lifted in pride and forsake HIS honor.

11 Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.

During my military years this was explained to me a certain way, but I can’t use that example.  Let me try to make this clear.  There are few examples of speaking evil of one another that come across as powerfully as the educational system in America today.  From the grade school to university there  is more than a bit of pride to be found in school teachers and professors.  Everybody wants to believe that their way of teaching is superior to the person next to them.  They back stab and back bite one another regularly, especially if you are a college professor with your doctorate and some upcoming whippersnapper tries to shoot down your thesis or theories. 

We talk about others for their hair, their relationships, their intelligence, their direction in life, their jobs, their life habits, their strengths, their weaknesses.  I could go on for hours here because it seems to be a part of the fallen human condition that if someone is different from us, there is something wrong with them.  The one thing I noticed when I traveled to Kenya a couple years ago was the lack of racism.  Racism is prevalent in the United States and appears to fall within that same concept, you’re different; I don’t like you.

Racism falls apart when two people get to know one another and discover a kindred spirit.  This makes those on the outside crazy because all they can see is the differences and fail to make the connection of your valid interconnection with someone else based on deeper things than skin color or sex.  Because they are unable to see what you see from their shallow understanding, they are by our very human nature quick to throw stones of disgust and anger.  The ultimate judge is alluded to in verse 12 below.  It is He and He alone that can truly choose what is right or wrong.

12 There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?

Verse 11 and 12 speak a warning to our human arrogance and judgmental spirit.  The words ought to be spoken with authority and more than a hint of threat.  “WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE MY SERVANT!!!  DID YOU CREATE THE WORLD?  WAS IT YOU WHO SET THE UNIVERSE IN MOTION?  I ALONE AM GOD AND I ALONE AM JUDGE!!!” 

Think of these things the next time that old nature rises up in your hearts and you want to scream, “You Moron!!!” when someone cuts you off on the freeway or you don’t like a decision a court has made.  Remember that God is the judge and He will make everything right in His time.  Your dislike of a situation is not the problem, your failure to trust God to make it right is.”

13 Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: 14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

A few years ago I was riding my motorcycle up in Washington State.  I might have told myself, “When we get done riding tonight I’m going to buy the biggest steak dinner they have at that restaurant.”  Five minutes later I was sliding down the road with a 900 pound motorcycle pinning me to the highway after it had hammered me in the chest and almost stopped my heart.  Miraculously, though I was bleeding internally, I got up and walked over to my motorcycle and picked it up, got on it, and continued my ride.  Sixty miles later I began to get dizzy and pulled over, collapsing over my handlebars where my riding partner found me and thought I was dead.

An hour later I was in the cardiac ward of the Olympia Washington St. Bernardine hospital with tubes running into my arm and my pelvis and hip swollen to the size of a football with my own blood.  They told me I could not go home because my heart was bruised badly and might tear during the night.  Enjoy the jello.

15 For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.

I still ride that motorcycle though I am a bit more careful these days.  My hip hurts every day where the bike pinned me to the moving highway.  I can hear my heartbeat in my left ear because of the damaged valve and my doctor is reluctant to go in there and fix it because heart surgery is not like getting a tooth worked on.  You might live.  You might not.  I’ve never been a good gambler.  My heart, he says, is strong and healthy.  Let’s just watch it for a while.

I’ve been electrocuted, dropped onto concrete, slid down a highway and fallen out of innumerable trees.  I have scars, aches, pains and both shoulders hurt when it rains due to operations.  Not once did I start my day and think, “I’ll go out and fall off a ladder onto my back on the concrete today.  That sounds like fun.”  We can plan our days and keep our hands busy but lately my one prayer has become, “Lord, more than anything else, I want Your direction.”  MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE…I want Your direction. 

More than fame, health, wealth, love, safety, joy, happiness, I want God’s direction.  I feel confident praying this because even though I have thrown myself onto God’s mercy and trust Him for my future, He loves me more than I love myself.  One way or another, I will have the live I need and didn’t even know it.  It’s not by my wisdom or ability, but by His love and compassion that I find myself in this place today.  I trust Him!

16 But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.

I am pretty good at putting a sentence together.  I have a gift of gab (I can talk).  There are other skills and gifts that God has given me and oddly enough, they do not work without His input.  I can rejoice in how God uses me for His glory but I cannot rejoice in my boasting.  I can’t say, “I have done all this by my skills and talents.”  Nebuchadnezzar tried this and God put him in the penalty box for a long long time (Daniel 4:30).

17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

Your gifts were given to you to bless God and man.  They were not given to fill you with pride and arrogance.  God does not approve of pride nor does he put up with it.  I often watch famous performers parade their opinions out for others to hear, acting all the world like their words carry the voice of God by reason of their fame.  For the most part they live lives of sin and consumption while looking down upon the very people who made those lives possible.  They give no credit to the very God who gave them the gift they exploit to their own benefit.  The wages of sin are death and using your gifts to your benefit and not God’s is also sin.

Beloved, identify your gifts.  Ask God how you might honor Him by using your gifts accordingly. 


Bishop J