Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Word of God…First, Last, Always!

Scholars often break apart texts and historical accounts in order to write scholarly documents for a doctoral thesis.  They will frequently say that changes in someone’s writing style over the years must mean that those later works are not written by the original author.  This is especially true in prophetic books where the writing is about future events that the author has not experienced.  Rather than believe God gave this information to the author it is easier to say a later author added to the book.  Isaiah has been broken up in this way for centuries and yet Jesus Himself quoted this book on numerous occasions and declared the author to be Isaiah.

One problem with this ‘scholar’s view’ of scripture is that scholars tend to discount the ‘God Breathed’ nature of the Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament) scriptures.  It has been said that Mark was Peter’s amanuensis or secretary, and yet all Peter’s works are divinely inspired.  Either Peter wrote those works or Mark took dictation word by word.

In the Torah (Pentateuch) when it speaks of a pregnant woman, the value of the Hebrew letters that describe this condition add up to the same number of days that a woman carries a child.  What does this tell us?  It says that God not only told Moses and the other writers what to write word by word, but in the case of Moses and the others, God told them what to write letter by letter.  He broke it down so we would have proof of the divine inspiration of scripture.

A REMEZ is a hint of God’s handiwork shining through.  If two disparate (markedly different) words add up to the same number in Hebrew or Greek (whose letters all have numerical values), it is likely that those two words are somehow linked together.  This is why it is imperative that our study of scripture goes beyond the simple plain text as offered by an interpreter.  We must learn to cherish the original text and through the use of computer translators learn how to break the original down. 

If the Holy Spirit went to the effort of naming a series of workmen or children, it is for more than historical reasons.  It may be that He wants you to look up the meaning of every one of those names and string those meanings together or it might just mean – as in the case of Abraham’s servant Eleazar – that the name means ‘Comforter’ and is an allusion to the Holy Spirit.

Modern scholars tend to believe Isaiah was written by three men.  In this case do not place too much faith on there being three separate authors.  It is enough that Jesus quoted from it and called it Isaiah’s work.  When someone brings into question the different styles of an author, they also bring into question whether the real author is God or man’s imagination. 

Romans 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools  Is it any wonder that rather than call themselves teachers they have chosen the title of ‘professor.’  This chapter goes on to say that this excessive over thinking of life’s processes leads to homosexuality and other life damaging sins.


Because they do not accept the existence of God and therefore will not accept His rules or instruction.  If some professors do believe in a greater power or heavenly influence over our lives, they will not give Him the honor He is due as our heavenly Father and Lord.  They feel they must keep themselves in control of their own destiny and protect themselves from any ridicule they might suffer.  ‘Professors’ who believe the Word of God is miraculous and flawless are cast down in the court of public educational opinion and tossed out on their ears.

Because scripture is perfect and without error (in the original), God does not allow it to be watered down in any way.  This is obvious in Revelation 22 which says, “19 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 20 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

If anyone adds their own opinions to certain doctrines contained in scripture they will be cursed with plagues.  We have seen this happen time and time again.  Most recently in this country, men and women state that God loves and accepts them when their lifestyle goes against scripture.  When someone removes various doctrines they will be removed from the book of life.  This is more difficult to observe, but equally frightening.  If you say God will not judge you or that it ‘doesn’t take all that’ then you simply will not make it in on ‘that day.’

Scripture was closed with the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.  After that moment there could not be any other additions.  Every religion and revelation that goes against this finished work of God is forever cursed.  There are no new scriptures after the time of Christ.  Any new ‘non-scriptural’ revelations such as those contained in Islam, Mormonism or others are sufficient to curse their followers to Hell.  Sadly, scripture says that many will follow these paths to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14).

Beloved, the 66 books contained in scripture will serve you well in your knowledge of God.  They are miraculous and inspired by God.  Never doubt His promises and you will not be disappointed by life’s trials.

“…and having done all to stand, stand therefore.”

Bishop J

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