Thursday, March 20, 2014

Luke Chapter 1, Part 3 - Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

36 And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.

Elisabeth was likely Mary’s third or second cousin.  Remember that a man or woman is a Jew if their mother is but their tribal standing came from their father.  Someone in the near past married a woman from Judah who was related to Mary.  Their children (if the husband was a Levite) would be Levites or as in the case of Zacharias or Elisabeth’s parents, Aaronic Levites, descendants of Aaron.  I find it a wonderful thing that in God’s chosen plan, the woman ushers the child into the kingdom, but the man places the child in a family.  Even today any woman can get pregnant and any man can get her pregnant and she will have a child who is part of the human race, but it takes a dependable, faithful, loving man to bind them all together into a complete family; and it takes a faithful, loving woman to help keep a home.

How appropriate that God supplied Mary with a sign that He was at work in her own pregnancy.  Elisabeth was past bearing years and yet God gave her strength to conceive.  If God could open a womb long dead, surely He could produce life in a new and untouched womb.  In both cases he brought life.  I believe Elisabeth’s womb was indeed dead and God brought it to life.  Which miracle was greater; producing a child through a dead womb using the husband’s seed or producing a child through a healthy womb using God’s seed.  Jesus said (John 14:6), “I am the way, the truth and the LIFE!”

37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.

750 years before His birth, Isaiah prophesied about a virgin giving birth to a son and that son would be called Immanuel, God with us.  God does not simply know everything that will happen, He sees everything that has happened, will happen or is happening right now, this instant.  God is Spirit.  Spirit can create energy.  Energy can create matter.  His Spirit can create matter and LIFE.  John 5:11 says that this life is IN HIS SON.  When He created the pregnancy that Mary carried, He created God life in Mary.  Jesus was always different in one fundamental way; God abided and still abides in Him.  He did not need to become holy because like Adam and Eve, He was born holy. 

38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

As we get older we tend to remember our life experiences and they color our decisions.  Someone who has been wounded many times in life may find it difficult to trust or love others.  Luke 18:17 says, “Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.  If we learn how to trust and depend upon God, we will receive His blessings.  When we fail to trust Him we do not walk in faith and test His patience.  Mary did not question God except to satisfy her lack of understanding.  Scripture says if anyone lack wisdom, let them ask of God who will freely grant it without chastening (James 1:5).  She got her understanding and simply said, “Let it be according to your word.”

What a wonderful example for all of us.  As you read scripture and discover a new promise, you should look to heaven and declare, “Let it be according to you Word Lord.”  This is why we meditate upon his Word each day so our minds are renewed by the Word of God (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2).  Mary essentially declared, “I believe in the Word of the Lord and I accept.  I am not fearful what man may do but I trust in God and in His wisdom.  I will observe to do all that God has commanded me and will dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 23:6).”

39 And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Judah; 40 And entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth.

I can well imagine this young woman rushing home to pack.  Her parents must have looked at her with some confusion as she declared her intention to travel to Zacharias and Elisabeth’s home.  Perhaps her father accompanied her or sent a brother to travel with her though it does not say.  It is unlikely she walked any great distance unaccompanied.  Consider how important this cousin of hers must have been to her.  Throughout her life following Jesus’ birth there would be whispers.  Not until His resurrection would most of them cease.  Most would assume that she slept with Joseph or some other man before their marriage.  That was unthinkable for a properly brought up young woman.

There were two who would know the truth however.  Zacharias and Elisabeth must have been a great comfort to her.  There would be no look of speculation on THEIR faces.  They would know and believe the truth.  They would understand, even before Joseph did.  That thought must have been like cold water to Mary.  How would she tell Joseph?  How would he react?  This wasn’t the old days, but people were still occasionally stoned for fornication and adultery if the family made a big thing of it.  How would her own family react?  All these thoughts must have been going through her mind.

41 And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: 42 And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

Even from his mother’s womb, John the Baptist was fulfilling his prophecy of preparing the way before Jesus (Mathew 3:3, Mark 1:3, Luke 3:4, John 1:23).  His rejoicing served to focus his mother on this young woman who appeared before her.  Her salutation would have calmed any doubts and fears that Mary might have felt.  She wasn’t crazy, it wasn’t just her.  God had sent witnesses (Matthew 18:16).  The word for “blessed” is eulogeo which is the word we get eulogy from.  A eulogy is a praise or exclamation of someone’s life.  Some translate it as ‘happy,’ but happy is not the same word. 

Perhaps a better way to describe it is that one’s life mattered or made a difference.  Nobody in the world would say that Jesus’ life did not matter.  Even those who do not believe  He is the Son of God know His life mattered and made a difference.  In this case verse 42 might have been better said, “Your life mattered more than any other woman’s.  The fruit of your womb, your firstborn will matter more than anyone born before or after.  He will make all the difference in the world.”  Why does that fit better than blessed or happy?  Because Mary’s life was rarely happy after Jesus came of age.  Her heart was pierced through with many sorrows and griefs after He began to minister.

43 And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and understood exactly who rested in Mary’s womb.  She had remained hidden for five months out of fear it might all be a dream.  When Mary arrived it all came together and the Word of the Lord came forth.  “Why should I be so honored that the mother of my Lord should come to my house.”  John the Baptist would begin his ministry first.  He would spend many years with the Essenes learning scripture and one day would rise up as a bright torch with holy fire.  Once Jesus came upon the scene and was baptized, John’s flame began to wane as was fitting (John 3:30).

44 For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.

This is rather a strong voice against abortion or the current practice of always calling the unborn a fetus rather than a baby.  God calls the unborn babes.  In this case, a six month old in his mother’s womb already had a ministry from God and was active in it.  Who are we to judge what child has a right to live or not?  Herod tried to kill the child Jesus as well.  How dare we decide what child has a right to live or die.  John leapt for joy when he heard the voice of Mary.  He leapt at the anointing upon her when it touched the anointing upon him.  Mary needed encouragement right now as evidenced by her hasty trip to visit her cousin.  She would soon have to return home and face Joseph.  That must have been a daunting prospect.

45 And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.

This was the final encouragement from Elisabeth.  It was a simple reminder that what God promises He performs.  Her blessing is that she believed and in her believing His Word will come to pass.  Elisabeth seemed to be saying, “Because of your willingness to obey in this thing men and women will be saved.  They will meet and know the Lord and all because one apparently insignificant woman said yes.”  Had she refused, God would have had to make other plans, but she did not refuse.  She said yes.  No matter the shame, no matter the awkwardness, she said yes to her Lord.  How many times have I heard someone fail God simply by saying the words, “I can’t.  I’m not ready and I would look like a fool if I try.”  These were Moses’ words.  They are the words of someone who trusts their own ability to fail above Gods ability to make them a success.

46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, 47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

These ten verses have been called the “Magnificat.”  It is a prophetic song sung by Mary as the Holy Spirit took hold of her and caused her to expound upon this great gift and the miracle growing within her.  There has been some scientific study on what our soul is. We are a spirit.  Our brain calculates and reasons, but our soul seems to be a storage of memories, hopes and desires that is outside our actual physical brain.  From a scriptural standpoint this makes sense.  If everything we know or think or understand is attached to our physical bodies, then we would cease to exist as a thinking person once we die.  It is more likely that our soul is attached to our spirit and not to our flesh. 

We know that spirit is pnuema which means breath or wind.  Our soul is called psyche which also means wind and is considered to be the rational thinking part of us.  Spirit is our nature and our eternal vessel, while soul is who we are, how we feel and think about ourselves.  Our soul is rational and magnifies the Lord.  It speaks all the words it has learned that describe how great and wondrous God is.  She said, “My spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”  Joy is eternal.  It is not like being happy which can change.  Joy can feed off of God’s Word at any moment and is sufficient to help us charge through our day.  Joy is a reflection of our spirit’s touch to God’s Spirit.

48 For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.

God has regarded the humility and graciousness of His bond slave.  A bond slave is someone who has served a house and discovered that living as a servant to a house is better than being master over their own house.  In Mary’s case, she was a bond slave to God.  His love in her heart was so strong that she couldn’t imagine any other life than one of total obedience to her Savior.  It is not a burden to be a bond slave to God; it is a great blessing. 

Matthew 11:28-30 says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

The burdens of our life are many and difficult.  God has promised to lift those burdens if we will take up His yoke and learn of his ways.  He is not a violent or angry ruler, He is full of grace and love.  One day He will judge those who deny His love and sacrifice.  How sad to be relegated to a Hell, not designed for man, but for fallen angels, simply because they would choose not to follow after love and grace, but after lust, greed and sin.  Sin may please the human nature, but ultimately it leads to spiritual death.  There is no half-sin or getting God to change His mind.  History always goes through seasons of religious persecution because we are the standard bearers.  We keep His standards and if we should choose to ignore some of them for political or social reasons we are no different than those who ignore all of them.

49 For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name.

God is El Shaddai, ALMIGHTY, the one who wields ALL might.  As long as we live according to His plan and seek to abstain from sins we are the recipients of His mighty acts.  He will do great things for us.  The High Priests wore a golden plate on their forehead that said, “Holiness unto the Lord.”  We are required to be holy (Leviticus 11:44-45, 19:2, 20:26) as God is holy.  It is an awesome honor to be chosen by God for ministry. 

50 And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.

“And His good will and gracious acts are upon them that fear Him from one generation to the next.  Even your children will reap the rewards of your dedication.”

A life lived well before God will reap eternal rewards on your behalf as well as much good will from God toward your posterity.  God had every right to cut Israel off after Solomon’s sin … except … He promised David that someone from his line would be on his throne forever.  That has not happened.  Either God lied or is not real, or it is yet in the future.  We in Christ know it is in the future because the man Jesus will return in power and take His throne.  Scripture says that David was a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22).  The Mercy Seat that covered the Ark of the Covenant will be restored and many believe it will become the throne upon which our Lord will rule.

51 He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.

God’s strength is unassailable.  There is none greater and none stronger.  One of the great truths of His strength is that it is greater than spirit, greater than matter and greater than energy.  Spirit creates energy and energy creates matter.  If you smash matter against matter it creates energy again.  Only spirit is unique and unchangeable.  God is a Spirit, you are in His image and are a spirit.  Animals are purely physical life but we are spirit.  Our life here on earth is supposed to be lived in the manner God requires.  When we do not, we are no longer living within His rules having refused them, and have become EARTHBORN, lawless and lost.

These are the ones who seek to defy our God.  They are unarmed and incapable of touching the true life, the life of God.  They are proud and arrogant, believing nothing yet claiming everything.  These are the ones God will scatter in His strength and cast away from His presence.  They have denied the Holy One and have no hope.

52 He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.

This same God will cast the chief leaders, chief rulers and even chief priests from off their thrones.  They will lift up their eyes to the penthouses, palaces and pinnacles of society and still they will miss the true heights of power and grace.  They will miss God. 

Nevertheless, those who walk in humility, loving and caring for the dispossessed and wounded, God will raise up and deliver.  These are they who God will raise up from servants to great leaders.  They will accomplish great exploits in His strength because He is greater than any other.

53 He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.

Are you hungry; not merely the hunger of this body we live in, but the hunger of career, ministry, hope and a future?  God fills the hungry with good.  Good what?  Whatever is good.  It could mean good to eat or good for you.  Many are so filled with passion for their future that they would not eat if food was set before them.  They WANT that future more than anything.  Others, like Esau, would put food ahead of his own birthright.  What is your hunger?  If it is not a lust of the flesh, then God is always working to fulfill that hunger with good things.

Why would God send the rich away empty?  Is it a crime to be rich?  …a sin?  Not at all.  It is a sin to be rich in money and dead in spirit.  God says you cannot serve God and wealth (Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13).  What does that mean exactly?  It means that you cannot develop a love for money.  It doesn’t matter if you are wealthy or well off but if your heart is turned to more and more money and God receives less of your heart, then you have become what he hates, someone who loves mammon more than Him. 

In some cases, the wealthy have hardened their hearts so much that they have abandoned God.  In other cases they have lost their first love.  Both of these are answered the same way by God.  He will strip them of their wealth and drive them to a decision to trust Him or not.  Both may be saved, but a person who has the gift of making wealth must keep his spirit more diligently than a poor man.  It is too easy to get himself in trouble by behaving as Nebuchadnezzar and saying, “Look at this great thing I have done (Daniel 4:13-37)!” What has been accomplished was done in God’s strength and His gifts.  God will not surrender His honor to man.  This is why it is harder for a rich man to make it into the kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 19:23-24).  They are often too full of themselves to rely on God.

54 He hath helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy; 55 As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.

Be aware who Mary is speaking of here.  There are so many Christians today who hate the Jews just as much as any Arab does.  Why do you suppose that is?  I ask this question because it must be asked in light of so many scriptures.  We in Christ are servants of God, but we are more.  We are the children of God through adoption as is stated in Romans 8:1-17).  Israel has always been the servant of God.  Though they have run away and been chastened numerous times God has never turned His back on them.  Every nation that has attacked the Jews has been severely damaged.

Scripture says that a house divided against itself cannot stand (Matthew 12:25, Mark 3:25, Luke 11:17).  The Romans went against the Jews and were broken into two kingdoms.  Germany tried to obliterate the Jews and was broken into two nations.  The Soviet Union drove millions of Jews out and was broken into pieces.  All these things happened to the nations that persecuted Jews.  Arab nations are united in only one thing, their hatred of Israel and Jews.  They will never band together effectively because of this.  Every nation that afflicts Israel has been broken up to prevent their ability to continue.  Some have been utterly destroyed.  Germany was only reunited after the last leader of the extermination program of the Jews had died. 

God has always supported Israel no matter how far they have fallen short.  He remembers His promises to Abraham, even His promise not to destroy Sodom or Gomorrah if at least ten righteous can be found (Genesis 18:32-33).  Do you think God would give less grace to His own chosen people?  Not so.  He may not continue with Israel because of their faithfulness, but He will surely keep them because of His mercy and His promises.  His promise to Abraham was eternal.  His promise to David was eternal.  His promise to the prophets was eternal.  We are the wild olive branch and grafted in.  We should not get the idea that Israel has lost to us.  Israel’s sin made an opening for our future.  Now we are to pray that they be reawakened and restored to their proper place.

Beloved, continue in His love.

Bishop J

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