Thursday, December 19, 2013

Grace XI - You Too Can Act A Fool

Fearless Grace

Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

Paul was looking ahead to a life of bondage and even death yet he saw it with joy and not sorrow.  Who are YOU?  Have you asked yourself that question?  Are you a child of God, first, last and always?  I had been a member of Faith Temple for twenty years and one day late at night I found myself wandering around the halls in the dark.  I was alone in the church waiting for a printing job to finish for a funeral the next day.  It must have been around 11 pm or so and my family was all at home in bed.

There is a time in your life where you take stock of where you are and who you are and think, “Will I be satisfied if this becomes my legacy?”  I wasn’t satisfied where I was professionally but I was satisfied with where I was headed.  It occurred to me…that night…that this was my life.  I lived to help bring life to all who traveled down these halls and entered the sanctuary beside me.  I lived to help them understand their God and rejoice in His touch and move upon their lives. 

I may become a millionaire or never have a dollar in the bank but I will have a legacy of a word offered here or a hug there and someone being encouraged in the Lord.  On the day I stand before the Lord and He plays my life back I don’t want to hear Him ask me why I didn’t press more into the work.  I certainly do not want to hear that I missed the best of what might have been because I chose to put my own fears or my own desires first.  It is much better to press in until His desires BECOME your desires and His boldness becomes your boldness.

Acts 20:31 Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.

People do not always give God their best.  They live lives of slipping and sliding until God has to do something drastic to reel them in.  I’d like to say that has never been one of my faults but it would be a lie.  As a High School student I would read one page of comics and then do one math problem.  As an adult I would read one chapter of scripture and then one chapter of a sci-fi novel.  Those days are largely over but I must still keep watch over my will and keep it in check and focused on the prize.

I have warned more than a few who ignored my concerns and paid a terrible price for it.  Some children were lost because the parents could not place the good of the children over their own lusts.  Marriages were dissolved because couples did not heed warnings given early on about their actions.  Money was lost when prophetic warnings were given because the people chose not to believe.  All these things happened to someone I had previously warned or ministered to and this is multiplied over and over in the churches of the world today. 

Leaders and elders in the church have a responsibility to cry aloud and spare not (Isaiah 58:1-2).  As individuals we cannot do it alone but if we train up our children in the way they should go and gradually release them to minister to others as they grow then our lessons will be reinforced from all directions.  This is another reason why I consider it to be important to spend as much time as possible fellowshipping in the church. 

People in the world try to mock home schooling families and call them isolationists. Perhaps they are.  Scripture says, “Come out from among them and be ye separate (2 Corinthians 6:17-18).”  It also says if you touch the unclean thing God will not receive you but if you keep yourself separate and holy you will be His sons and daughters and He will be a father to you.  Peer pressure is a terrible thing.  Because the world calls evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20, 3 John 1:11), they will pressure you to agree with their blasphemous ideals.  I don’t know if peer pressure is an American trait or one that affects all mankind but I suspect it is universal.

I have read some vicious and absolutely deplorable comments from men AND women who are so deeply offended by the Christian lifestyle that they have become beside themselves with rage and anger.  The circumstances that led to these words could be as simple as a family having a large number of children and raising them in Christian schools or homeschooling or choosing to forego birth control.  I don’t agree that all forms of birth control are a sin (though abortion and the morning after drug certainly are), but if I feel convicted about any of them it is no one person’s business but my own.

The world has made a woman’s womb the altar upon which they sacrifice to the god of convenience.  Anyone who seeks to stop this murdering of children is publicly branded an enemy of the State.  That a woman’s womb was created by God to produce life and not primarily as an amusement park for any man who happens by is considered irrelevant.  We in the body of Christ must learn to hold fast to God’s Word rather than our own opinions.  Our opinions CAN be wrong; His Word cannot.

Acts 20:32 And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.

Remember Paul’s second letter to Corinth?  He stated that if we come out from among them and live separated lives we will be His sons and daughters.  You can’t inherit if you are not family.  Only those lawfully adopted by God through Christ have the qualifications to be adopted.  There is no other way to obtain this adoption (1 Corinthians 3:11).  Your inheritance will not find you if you live comfortably with the world.  Your inheritance will locate you only when you live among those who are sanctified in Christ.  God said, “Be ye holy for I the Lord am holy (Leviticus 11:44, 45, 19:2, 20:26, 21:8, 1 Peter 1:16).”  I believe He meant it.

Covering Grace

Romans 6:1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? 3-- Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?

Romans 5:20 says that where sin abounds the grace of God abounds in even greater abundance.  This caused some jaded souls to agree with Romans 6:1 but Paul said, “No.”  There is never any excuse to knowingly commit sin when you know that Christ died for you.  He expects you to press in powerfully with your full will and strength and live a life of holiness and sanctification (Mark 12:29-31).  We are to be dead to sin.  Baptism is unto death; it symbolizes drowning so when John baptized his disciples it was death to the old actions; it was for repentance. 

When Jesus has us get baptized now it is so we can be partakers of his death while we yet live.  Think of that.  Jesus died for our sins and when we are baptized we lay our sins at His feet and He takes them up.  When we rise out of the water it symbolizes our rising into the newness of life and hope in Christ Jesus.  What an awesome and wonderful thing.  Old things have passed away, behold all things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).  Have you ever had someone remind you of the evil you once did prior to coming to Christ?  Feel free to tell that person that the individual they are thinking of died.  You are someone else.

Romans 6:4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

The newness of life…  Old things are passed away, BEHOLD all things are made new.  God wants you to notice, recognize and always bear in your mind that you have been saved to walk in newness of life.  Old things are supposed to have PASSED AWAY.  If we continue to walk in the old ways then we are unlikely to be successful at killing the sins of our past. 

It is a requirement to live in newness of life.  If it is new then it is something we have not done before.  Some people say, “I have been saved all my life.”  God is so amazing, so filled with wonder, so awe inspiring, that you can live before Him for centuries and not even scratch the surface of understanding Him.  The longer you live, the deeper your understanding of God, the greater your opportunities to learn.  Learning more of God makes you a better student so you can learn more of God.  It is a perfect and unbroken circle.

Thousands of years ago lives were hundreds of years long.  Now it is seventy or eighty on average.  In spite of this we have mistaken scientific leaps for knowledge and flawed theories for wisdom.  No matter the length of life you live, it will always be fuller and more beneficial to you if it is lived by the nurture and admonition of God.  For all their bragging and lofty tones, scientists can never be more noble and more virtuous than when they are seekers of truth rather than trying to prove pet theories.  God promises to give revelation to seekers and blindness to the self deceived.

Romans 6:12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

I’m not addicted, I can quit at any time.  Today I was reading about the famous actors who have spent time in jail over the years.  The vast majority of them were arrested on drug and alcohol charges.  Not one of them would have been arrested if they had been living a godly life.  People do not commit crimes because they are poor.  People commit crimes because they are spiritually dead and corrupt. 

Law enforcement personnel tried to find some reason to blame the accident that killed Paul Walker and his friend on something other than speeding or behaving foolishly.  The car was especially susceptible to accidents at high speed.  That is true.  The smooth speed dots on the ‘parking lot’ upset the cars stability.  True again.  The driver was going 70 miles over the parking lot speed limit.  Shhhh.  Just whisper that one.

We hate to take responsibility for our actions when they bite us on the rear end.  That is human nature.  Doing the right thing at the right time because God said so…that’s His nature.  God said in 1 Peter 3:17 that it is better to suffer or be chastened for doing the right thing.  A man lost his job for rushing out of the store he worked at to put out a fire in someone’s car.  In 4 ½ years of work there was only one minor transgression in his job record.  He made $9.50 an hour working there which is very little in this country.

The store has rules and those rules were upheld.  In today’s world there is very little room for grace and mercy.  The point is, there are times when you will do the correct moral thing and still suffer for it.  Jesus did and we are not greater than Jesus.  We simply need to make sure we do not do the wrong thing and suffer for that.  God watches over all His children to perform His will.  Make sure you are not chastened because your actions go against that will.

Romans 6:13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

Do you ever get tired of being gracious and polite?  No?  Do you ever get tired of anger and frustration building up in you when others treat you badly?  Yes?  Well, whatever you might have to deal with personally, God expects us to walk in that newness of life as instruments of righteousness and grace.  We’re the ones who don’t cheat on our taxes and don’t steal the phone or jewelry that someone foolishly left out or left behind.  We go out of our way to find the true owners and return their property to them.  Honestly, I think those things are the easiest to accomplish. 

I was at the airport the other day and as I stepped out of my car I discovered a brand new iPhone on the ground by the curb.  There was a brief moment of “Oooooo, pretty,” as I examined the shiny new device before my spirit asked my flesh, “Oooooo what?”  My flesh wisely said, “Nothing,” and sulked back to his shrinking corner.  The phone was locked and I had no way of discovering the owner’s name that way so I called AT&T to ask if they could somehow tell me the owners’ name.  Long story short…no.

I finally got through security and made it to my gate and saw a gate agent.  I asked her to make an announcement that a phone had been discovered and a few minutes later an elderly lady rushed up to the gate out of breath.  She was able to unlock the phone proving it was hers and waved as she gratefully rushed back to her flight.

Things like that are easy.  I have burned a few dollars worth of fuel to return excess change I received at the gas station.  Why?  Because as much as I could have used that extra $20, I need God’s hand on my life much more.  I was much more strident (loud and bragging) about my upright walk when I was younger but there is still one thing that I choose to have define my life…integrity.  Between that and truth they are like two bookends of my life story.  Integrity makes you do the right thing and truth will MAKE you free.  Both make it easier for God’s grace to come through for you.

As I said though, they are the easy part of this life…for me.  I struggle with aggravation, frustration and anger over people who go out of their way to make my life difficult.  About the only thing that makes it easier to be gracious and kind when people around you are deliberately being rude and shady toward you is the Jesus example.  There have been a few events in my life that have kept me awake nights grinding my teeth over the injustice of it all. 

My son Joseph was injured and as much as it blessed us to receive a settlement to care for him, there was one thing that would have made a world of difference to me.  An apology for the lack of care he received.  I really don’t want to hear about all the reasons a company or government can’t apologize because of being held responsible; but when you know you are responsible and have to pay anyway, why not?

That has stayed with me for almost 24 years now.  There have been a few other events that are right up there but my reason for bringing it up was how I learned to deal with it.  How do you deal with your own flaws?  When you offend someone in a big way and no amount of self delusion can make it their fault, how do you deal with your own stupidity or mistakes?  I’ve learned to be quick to apologize when I make mistakes because no matter how many I make, Jesus forgives me.  For all my many flaws He loves me.  In spite of falling short more times than I have met the mark, He died for me.

There is one other reason I have learned to be gracious when others around me are nipping at my heels and making me feel like a failure.  Jesus loves them and forgives them as much as He loves me and forgives me.  That is what does it for me; to recognize that Jesus has a life changing level of forgiveness that paid my debt to Hell and had enough change left over to finance my entire life afterwards.  Knowing that, what right do I have to gnash my teeth over a bit of disrespect or rudeness from immature and sin trapped people?  None. 

The law gave us an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.  If I had to give up a body part for every time I missed God over the years I would have run out of parts.  I am thankful and filled with wonder over the grace and redeeming love that flows from Jesus to each and every one of us.  I am not bold enough to dare to continue in my anger or rage when I consider that simple but powerful truth.  With a healthy dose of that understanding I can apologize with total humility, even when I know the other party is at fault.

Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

This is a wonderful spiritual law.  Sin has no dominion over those who have accepted Christ as savior.  That is not to say that you will not be tested or tried by sin; only that sin will not have the ability to force you to act against God.  His grace is sufficient to keep you faultless before God until your renewed mind catches up with your calling.

A scripture came to mind today that fit with public attacks against someone on television who made a bold statement about homosexuality.  Those who accept homosexuality as a valid lifestyle (whether they are in it or not), were absolutely tearing into Christianity for our nerve to believe in a God larger than ourselves.  The scripture that came to mind is Proverbs 9:8 which says, “Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.”  Time and time again I saw children of God trying to help a scorner understand why God’s way is right and time and time again I saw the evil and vitriol spewed by the scorner.

You cannot reach those God is not drawing.  He stands at the door and knocks but you still have to open the door and allow Him into your life.  If it wasn’t so sad it would almost be funny watching the blind to all things of God speaking with man’s wisdom and see their ignorance displayed before all the world.  It is sad because the world hears their words and is in agreement with them.  They are part of sin’s dominion and do not see that they are under its spell.

I’m going to stop here for now.  I want to offer you an important thought to consider.  You can absolutely say and do the right thing where angels in Heaven are rejoicing and your fellow Christians laud you as a spiritual hero; and then you can say something so stupid to seemingly wipe out all the good you did in your first statement.  I have first hand experience in this.  If you are not gracious to beloved brethren when they fall short then God will not be gracious to you when you fall short. 

Scripture says that whatever measure you use to judge someone, you will be measured exactly the same (Matthew 7:2).  It also says if you forgive someone for missing the mark, you too will be forgiven.  Remember, while under the anointing our words and deeds are perfect but as soon as the anointing lifts and we take our minds off of God we are flawed as any man and only your level of spiritual training will direct your actions.

I heard the man who commented on the Bible’s stance on homosexuality and got trashed by the Media make a statement that was somewhat thoughtless (or not wise) about race.  Whenever you do something wonderful for Jesus the Devil will pull out all his tricks to make you stumble in word or deed.  Be watchful and vigilant but most of all, remember to be gracious because YOU can be EQUALLY thoughtless and stupid given the proper circumstances.  Really, you can.  I know this from experience.

Bishop J

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