Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ephesus - The Sought After Church

Revelation Chapter 2

1 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;

Always bear in mind that God’s Word is filled with different levels and that each of those levels reinforce the others.  You cannot find a deep meaning in God’s Word that contradicts the basic meaning but you will find reinforcements everywhere.  In verse one you note that Jesus is writing to the angel, the messenger or spiritual overseer of the church.  Remember, when we fight a battle, whether that battle is natural or spiritual, the true battle is ALWAYS spiritual.  You will never be fully successful if you do not fight the spiritual side.

The second thing you see is which church Jesus is writing to and in which order.  In its most basic meaning, Ephesus means DESIRABLE, worthy of being wanted.  Ephesus is the first state of a bride, beautiful, full of life and passion toward her husband.  You love what he loves and hate what he hates.  On that day in the second chapter of acts, Jesus could well have stood over his rapidly growing church and said, “Ephesus … I want you!”  The early church was tied heart to heart and breast to breast with our Lord.

Another thing to notice is that Jesus is walking in the midst of the candlesticks which Revelation 1:20 tells us is the church; in other words…us.  At this point the candlesticks are on Earth and the spirit of those churches is in the palm of His hand, His RIGHT hand.  Even as Jesus is at the right hand of the Father (Acts 2:33), we are at the right hand of our Savior.  Jesus performs all the will of His Father (John 5:30) and we perform all the will of our Savior…if we choose to remain with Him.  Jesus said He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).  We might forsake Him but He cannot deny Himself and forsake us. 

2 I know thy works, and thy labor, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: 3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast labored, and hast not fainted.

Jesus is giving them their report card.  At first glance, Ephesus, the desirable one seems to be living up to her name.  She performs good works and labors for the Lord and she is patient, hating evil.  This church has discernment and did not receive the men who made themselves false apostles.  They have born the grief and sorrows of their savior and have great patience.  For the sake of the name of Jesus our Lord they have worked and not fainted during the difficult times.  At first glance this seems to be a wonderful report card but the church has been in operation for a while now and Satan’s influence and chipping away at its foundation has been felt.

4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

Nobody likes to hear ‘nevertheless’ in this situation.  Like ‘but’ it means the opposite is coming up and you won’t like it.  The word ‘nevertheless’ is alla which has the same root as allo which means another.  It could read, “Nevertheless I have an aught, another spirit toward you.”  We never want God to change His spirit toward us from loving tenderness to frustrated anger.  The rest reveals why His spirit has changed toward them.  They no longer agape God first.  This is the result of an, ‘it doesn’t take all that’ spirit.  When a child asks God which toy or which candy they should buy we all think, “Oh…that’s cute.”  God on the other hand looks at them and says, “That’s my child!”  We think we’re too grown up to ask God which pants to buy or which car and yet each time we cut Him out of our decision making process we cut Him out of our romance and all the foolish seeming minutia of first love.

Remember first love when neither of you would hang up the phone?  Remember how you would dress alike so people would know you were a couple?  Do you do those things any longer?  Why not?  What is stopping you?  Does it seem sophomoric or stupid?  God doesn’t think so.  I remember praying out loud while driving my mother to the mall during the Christmas season.  “Lord, we’re going to the hardware store and I pray for a parking place so my mom doesn’t have too far to walk.”  My mother looked at me and said, “God doesn’t have time to worry about little things like that.”  The truth is, God has time to do anything He wants.  He’s God.  As we approached the store a man backed out and drove off leaving me the very closest space in the lot.  That is a first love relationship.  Does it happen that way every time? 



I think it’s because God is often wounded by the way we take Him for granted and just looks at us and sighs.

5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

Have you ever tasted the difference between someone who is totally surrendered to God and one who only pays their tithes and shows up on Sunday?  Some Christians get angry when they meet those sold out God lovers.  All those grumpy saints really show is how much God does not mean to them and how much more gracious and loving those sold out saints are.  Living in that Ephesus moment, like living in the newlywed moment, is something that takes work, dedication and constant attention to comforting and nurturing your partner.  When we take our marriage to Christ or our spouse for granted we have fallen from that place.

For His part, Jesus says He will remove your candlestick from its place unless we repent of our attitudes.  One of the most exciting aspects of serving the Lord is that He can never be fully known, so the idea that you and He will become like socks and shoes is foolish.  God will always keep you amazed and filled with wonder if you allow Him to.  The reason most people begin to receive less and less from Him is that they EXPECT less and less from Him.  God will usually encourage you to expect more but as it says in Malachi 3:10, “Prove the Lord and see.”  He wants to amaze you but He likes to be asked.

6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

There is more than a little confusion as to who the Nicolaitans are but the name alone may shed a bit of light.  Nico means to rule and laity means the people.  It could mean that the people rule in the church but the opposite is more likely.  The early church was given an example of service to God and His people.  Jesus came to the supper and washed the disciple’s feet.  He went on to say, “Let the one who would be lord of all first become the servant of all (Mark 9:34-35).”  How about it?  Does it make sense to have such a strong Christian leadership that they begin to dictate policy to presidents and kings or does it make more sense that following Jesus’ example we will pray for our leaders and trust God to direct them?  If Nicolaitans are religious leaders who rule their people with an iron fist rather than by example of humility then this makes even more sense.

7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

Seven times it says, “He that has an ear, let him hear.”  In this case you might even say, “If you’re spiritually deaf you’re spiritually dead.”  Do you see how it says you must overcome to be able to eat of the tree of life?  It’s not just a matter of acting right before God.  Satan hates you and he is the lord of this present world.  This means that his children will hate you too.  Living in sin is easy.  There is little spiritual warfare trying to get you to live holy.  Satan is trying to FORCE you to live in sin.  God is trying to ENCOURAGE you to live in love and faith.  Satan fights you on many different levels, emotional, physical and spiritual.  God strengthens your spirit and tells you to learn His Word so you might survive.  The weapons of your warfare are not carnal but mighty through God but you have to use them for them to work.  If you don’t then Satan is the only one effectively using warfare. 

Beloved, regain your first love and embrace the depths of God’s passion and grace.

Bishop J

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