Sunday, October 28, 2012

What Draws You, A Thought on Dating & Marriage

“But I love him/her/them!”

Meaning what exactly?  There is a reason we should be telling our children they need a Christian spouse but there is also a reason we see them (and ourselves sometimes) dating non-Christians or at least dating inactive Christians.  What is it exactly that draws you to that man or woman who makes your heart race and your palms get damp?  Of all the possible reasons you might be drawn to them, looks (and to this I somewhat add race as well) should be one of the very last.  Proverbs 31:30 says, “favor is deceitful and beauty is vain.” 

How someone looks is vain (useless and unimportant in the long run) because unless they are supernaturally gifted in that department as Sarah was it won’t last long.  Beauty may draw someone to you or you to them but character and character alone will make it last.  Psalm 39:11 says God’s rebuke will eat your good looks up.  Isaiah 28 talks of sin causing the glorious beauty of a land to be eaten up and wiped away and in its way refers to the individual as well.  To this we add Isaiah 53 where our own Savior is said to be without beauty in the natural sense. 

What?  How can that be?  Our own Savior Jesus without natural beauty?  Consider President Abraham Lincoln.  Have you ever seen his photograph?  To be sure he has a striking visage but certainly not handsome.  His face is craggy and lined with hollow cheeks and a mole prominent in one of the two lines framing his mouth.  It is said his voice was grating and disharmonious.  His detractors used to call him monkey face and between the hollow cheeks and curly beard you can see the resemblance. 

For all that, Lincoln was a learned man, a liberator and great motivator.  He was a visionary whose Gettysburg Address is considered one of the greatest speeches in American history.  It is said that he pressed through severe illness, possibly even the beginning stages of smallpox to give the speech.  Plain though he may have been, grating though his voice may have been, Lincoln was nonetheless a man of good character and beautiful in the eyes of the Lord.

Have you considered what spoken line makes your knees weak and your brains turn to mush?  Are those words the absolute truth?  Come on, be honest.  Are those words the absolute truth?  Are they some version of, “You are fine as new wine in the summer time.”  Sound corny?  So do most of the lines that get us men dates.  Proverbs 31:30 says that, “Favor is deceitful.”  We are currently choosing a president to lead us and one thing I know is that they WANT your favor.  They want you to like them.  Are you a Christian?  They are Christians.  Are you Muslim?  They are a friend to Muslims.  If you love the color red, they just decorated their den in that color. 

Someone who wants your favor will do whatever it takes to get it.  It doesn’t matter if they must fracture the truth a bit to get it.  That’s just how favor is. 

You might be asking yourself, “So what preacher.  What are you trying to say?”  I’m trying to say that there are some really great people out there who don’t sell themselves well because they are honest.  Some of them don’t come across as exciting or special because they tell it like it is and don’t try to color themselves in broad strokes when the one you are dating now has lied to you for years.  I’m not saying all men and women seeking a mate are liars, but a lot of them are.  Your task is to find out which one is lying and which one is telling the truth.

Before you can find the right one, you have to make a life decision for yourself.  What sort of mate do I want anyway?  Am I looking for someone who will care about me and help me through the rough times as I help them through theirs or do I want someone beautiful but bitter whose touch in my life will devour my soul and diminish my life?

If the man or woman you are pursuing (or being pursued by) is not placing God first in their life then there is no hope for a godly home with that individual.  It’s bad enough that they have a secular mind and are not sold out to the Lord but to raise children with that sort and have your kids grow up twisted…  I once knew a Jewish woman who was marrying a Catholic man.  When I asked her how they would raise their kids she foolishly told me they would allow the children to choose.  Lunacy!  You must raise up a child in the way they should go.  One day soon enough it will be against the law to raise a child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  The men and women passing these foolish laws will be the same ones raised by the likes of a Jewish man and a Christian woman who believe in nothing at all.

Each of us has a responsibility to God to limit our relationships to those He has sanctioned.  It is incredible how many excuses we can think up when we marry out of our faith.  This is by no means a thorough or complete list of the things I’ve heard:

I’m lonely.  (So find someone qualified to join you in a CHRISTIAN marriage.)

The brother / sister is FINE!  (Now, what about twenty years from now.)

I can get them saved.  (Really?  Let me see you do it now with no relational issues involved.)

My faith sanctifies the relationship.  (Not an excuse according to God since it refers to relationships entered into prior to your salvation so don’t bother quoting me the scripture.)

My example will change them.  (Hasn’t worked so far has it.  What makes you think living in the same home will change things?  Sinners tell one another that the good mates are all in church you just gotta get the religious stuff out of them.  Who is going to change who?)

There are no saved men / women out there.  (Not true.  God always has someone for those who are actively seeking.  Scripture may say that a man who finds a wife finds a good thing can be speaking of a nurturing woman who will make a good wife and not merely a Christian woman.  Becoming a Christian does not make a woman wife material.  It doesn’t make a man husband material either.  That is a whole other level of readiness. 

We just click together.  We fit.  (What you seem to be saying is that you have more in common with a sinner than with a saint.  Perhaps you fit so well because you need to draw closer to God.  In all honesty you shouldn’t fit that well with someone unsaved.  It’s a problem and frankly it’s your problem.)

As I say, this is just a bare scraping of the surface.  None of these excuses are valid. 

Another point I’d like to make is that too many people fail to prepare THEMSELVES to be the husband or wife God has called them to be.  If you come from a single parent home you have no example to follow of a Christ centered marriage.  Getting a scriptural foundation as a man or woman for marriage is absolutely necessary.  In a perfect world you would pick this up by watching your two (2) parents and they would have received it the same way and have supplemented their basic training through thorough study of marriage text in Scripture.  Without this two-parent basic training you not only have to learn ‘theoretically’ what is required of a husband or wife in marriage but also overcome all the damage caused by that lack of proper upbringing. 

Yes I know some of you are screaming at the screen right now and telling me your mother (or father) did just fine raising you alone.  The truth is they did not.  They may have been the best parent in the world and still could not raise a child the way two loving male and female parents could.  Why?  Because your responses from infancy to adulthood would all be skewed by the lack of a participating parent.  Even your individual parent’s responses to daily life would be different.  God’s best choice is for two people who love Him with their whole life should meet one another and love each other with their whole life and raise children in that love. 

In reality when you marry after two or three generations of single parenthood you bring all the reinforcement of that history to bear AGAINST your unified ‘couple’ marriage.  YOU aren’t comfortable with the proper roles because you have little or no experience in them and the unsaved society which does not want to ‘own up’ to their failure in serving God will try to tell you that your single parent upbringing is just as good as a two parent (heterosexual) house.  It is not.

Men and women are different.  We think differently.  We act differently depending on the situation.  Each of us brings different strengths and weaknesses into the relationship.  When those relationships are out of line with the Word of God then the children grow up damaged and lacking. 

Culture is how you have been raised from generation to generation and that culture becomes normal to you.  If your culture stresses the normalcy of a one-parent home then that becomes part of culture.  The parent in this culture is unlikely to stress the Biblical plan as the only lifestyle because it will point a finger back at themselves and force them to admit they have missed God in this matter.  Coming from a two-parent household I cannot imagine how difficult it would be to adequately impress upon my children the ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENT that they establish a two parent Christian household without holding my own failure in that area before them. 

There are social, racial, financial and other reasons that make it difficult to do what God requires and yet, He really doesn’t want to hear any excuses.  God just wants you to do the right thing. 

God does not expect you to fail.  He has given you the tools to succeed.  Society used to hold you to a higher standard, which made it harder to go against your parent’s rules. 

Society and your parents used to say “Do not have sex before marriage.”  Now society says you are nuts to marry before testing the goods.  Society and your parents used to say “Do not marry an outsider, an unsaved person.”  Now they coin a four-letter word, “love,” and say that word makes everything all right.  These people have totally diluted God’s definition of THAT word.  Society used to say that an unwed mother or father was a negative thing, which forced you to at least try to make your marriage work if you had one.  It used to be till death do us part and now we marry till the thrill is gone.

If you do not like this or it makes you feel bad, tough.  It’s real and it’s honest.  This isn’t even an exhaustive lesson on this subject; it barely scratches the surface.  God says to marry before sex.  God says to marry another believer who loves God with their whole heart.  He says, “Do not marry an unbeliever.”  God is not ambiguous about it.  He says what He means and means what He says. 

Will God love you if you slip?  Yes.  Will He forgive you if you marry someone outside of your faith?  Yes.  Will it cost you in ministry and in life?  You can take that to the bank.  It will cost you dearly.  God’s rules aren’t to make our life harder; they are to make it more productive, loving and fruitful. 

It’s your choice beloved.  I hope you make the right ones.

Bishop J

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