Monday, April 22, 2013

2 Timothy Chapter 3

At first I was just going to keep this first group together as one sentence.  After considering it however I decided to break it down so we can really know what we’re talking about.  It begins with the statement that in the last days perilous times shall come.  I would venture to say that many if not most Christians believe we are in the last days but let’s let scripture break it down for us.
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Philautos – We know that phileo love is friendship type of love but philautos is a love that loves itself.  This goes against James 2:8 which says you shall love your neighbor as yourself.  In James we are expected to place our neighbor’s welfare as highly as our own.  In verse two above nothing is placed above their own needs, in fact their needs see to themselves almost without conscious thought.  People like this are grasping greedy souls who consider everyone else to be beneath them.  We are tools for their amusement, pleasure or well being.  Our needs are unimportant.
Covetous people follow in that once they have done everything with whatever they have to make themselves happy they begin to look at what YOU have to make themselves happy.  If you have what they do not then they will lie, cheat or steal to get what you have.  I could name certain reality TV stars in America who exemplify this state.  Some women have been characterized as gold diggers in their rush to obtain by marriage what they cannot obtain by hard work and knowledge.  Men are not immune either.  You can usually identify these people by their actions.  If it puts money in their pocket, it doesn’t even matter that they have no real right to it.  Their needs reign supreme.
Boasters walk hand in hand with the proud.  My son used to watch a cartoon where the character said, “I’m so pretty!”  They see themselves as being the most important person around.  They are like Nebuchadnezzar who looked over Babylon after God had given him victory after victory and said, “Look at this great Babylon which I have built (Daniel 4:30).”  After this, it is not a huge step to tell yourself there is no God.  Once there is no God in your mind there is no right and wrong.  Anything goes.  How many parents have been ignored by their children because generation after generation they have taught their kids there is no real God and no absolutes.  Blasphemy. 
I need not thank you because you are no better than me.  There is no God to give His life and there is no one to whom you owe any real gratitude.  You might say that you are your own god.  If you are then whatever you want to do and whoever you want to be is okay.  The absolute holiness required by God no longer interests you and you owe nobody anything.  You are free to kill or degrade others and are limited only by the strength you possess and your ability to make others bow to your will.  There are only the limits you set for yourself and as the days go on they will become less and less until you have no standards, no rules and no love.  You have become a monster.
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Eventually you will have even turned against nature.  A wild animal will nurse their young but a drug addict will sell their own child into prostitution for a fix.  Your word will become worse than empty; it will become what you used to despise, like your father the Devil.  Don’t get me started about the too many ‘so called’ Christians today who will make a promise and then make excuses why it is too inconvenient to keep.  The Lord says to speak yes or no only and to keep your word.  Once your words are useless you will lie as quickly as tell the truth.  When that happens it no longer matters if you call yourself Christian, God Himself will deny you unless you repent quickly. 
Christians are supposed to be in control; not our own control but God’s.  Your flesh will always have it’s own way.  It provides all your mechanical mobility and mental prowess.  The only way to force your flesh to obey God’s Word is to keep it under spiritual subjection (1 Corinthians 9:27).  This is not a natural state to be in so your flesh will fight against it.  2 Corinthians 2:17 says that MANY corrupt the Word of God.  Everyone who quotes scripture is not the friend of God.  Satan himself quoted scripture to try and make Jesus stumble.  Step one is to have your mind renewed with the Word of God.  This requires that you study to show yourself approved a workman who need not be ashamed and rightly divides the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15). 
If you find yourself trying to invent reasons to slack off in your studies or to obey the scripture less you ought to be frightened back into position with God.  Yes I know that God has not given us a spirit of fear but I also know God has not given you a spirit of ‘I don’t need to work that hard for Jesus,’ either.  You do need to work that hard for Jesus.  You need to work harder than ever before.  When the scripture says you are incontinent it means you have no power.  We use it in this country to talk of those who have no control over their bladders and wet themselves.  In this case it means you have no control over your flesh and sin yourself.  It is much more messy and infinitely harder to clean up.
Unless you wish to live as an incontinent, messy saint of God you need to continue to press into the Spirit so the Spirit can press into you and give you the strength you lack personally.  God sent His Spirit to be a comforter but also to strengthen you to be able to stand and having done all to stand, stand therefore (Ephesians 6:13).  Incontinent saints leave messes behind them wherever they go.  Messes come out of their mouths and actions and the way they lack faith and strength.  Pastors of messy saints are always running behind them, washing them with the water of the Word of God and trying to clean them up.  You can clean up a mess with the Word of God but only the sick saint can get healthy and stop making messes.
The word fierce means savage and violent.  You will attack anyone who tries to feed you words you do not want to hear no matter how much you need to hear them.  You are self righteous and short tempered.  Not even the leadership can speak to you and God is often forced to release you for the destruction of flesh until you become too weak to assault others.  You perceive humility as weakness and will not allow it to taint your self righteous demeanor.
It goes without saying that these people despise those who live to serve and offer service to others.  They are not willing to be so used and will not allow themselves to become humble and in their eyes…weak.  These consider Christians to be weak, pitiful excuses of humanity who need a god to order them around.  They will mock you and try to make you doubt your own spiritual beliefs.  These people often flock to government and other offices of power so they can order others around.  They are often deceptive, portraying themselves as the shining leader of mankind.  In truth, they call those who submit to them sheep or puppets behind their backs and have no interest in helping beyond increasing their own worldly power.
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
These are traitors to every cause except their own.  They are rash and reckless and will eventually stumble when their reach exceeds their ability.  In spite of this flaw they are highminded and proud.  They do not recognize their own shortcomings and will press ever higher no matter how limited their vision might be.  Because they believe the world is theirs to command, they deny themselves nothing.  Any pleasure, any gratification they can obtain they obtain.  Their entire life is focused on today, on this moment, and they will not Give God what He desires most, their heart. 
It can be difficult to recognize these if you are not discerning but beware.  Their arguments are persuasive, their smiles seem warm and inviting and their love for God and His people seems genuine…on the surface.  Watch them closely.  Do they seem to be at peace when things do not go their way?  When all night prayer is called do they come?  If they come do they form little meetings off to the side and seem not to enter in with God?  Are they disruptive or disconnected.  All these can be signs of someone whose heart is not with God.  If you are in pain and feel life is overwhelming, the answer is not to give others pain but to cry out to God and allow Him to heal you.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
It isn’t that women are less intelligent than men or more likely to sin.  In the natural men generally hunt and women are the hunted.  In Christ, a man desires a wife, not just a woman.  A wife has nobility and strength.  A wife is a helpmeet.  A wife knows your strengths AND weaknesses and loves you just the same.  You can trust a wife to keep your heart safe.  A woman without this inner strength is a female looking for a male.  She isn’t as interested in a husband as a man.  Perhaps she has been damaged by an absentee or weak father.  Perhaps she was raised in a home where the mantra was, “Get yourself a man.”  It may be that she was or is married to a weak, directionless man who has no clue how to lead and no idea where he is going.
A wife will strengthen and encourage her husband to accomplish great things.  A woman will want what she wants and because she has no inner strength of character will bring nothing but her body to the relationship.  She may try from time to time to be a wife, but the depth of character required of a wife is absent in her.  Ultimately she will fail because she does not draw her character and strength directly from God.
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Over the years I have seen both men and women go to church after church, Bible study after Bible study and never find the security and peace they seek.  You cannot study the Bible without faith.  Without faith it is merely an old book.  You cannot serve God without faith and revelation.  He must pour the KEY into you that allows you to unlock a mystery.  It takes thousands of keys to unlock the thousands of doors you will come to in life.  Each one requires a deeper revelation and consecration to God.  Scripture says it is the honor of kings to search out God’s leading and receive an understanding.  It goes on to say we are priests and kings.  We have the honor to do so, but we must exercise our faith to make it happen.  It would be a great shame to memorize the entire Bible and not believe any of it. 
8-- Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. 9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.
We should always keep in mind the symbolism of scripture.  On the one hand it is real and on the other God gives hundreds of examples to prove a point.  In this case, Jannes and Jambres the Egyptian magicians used their magic against Moses until the very end when God finally slew the first born of all Egypt.  It would do us well to remember that they had real power.  They were able to call up frogs but not remove them.  They turned water into blood but could not turn it back.  They turned their staffs into serpents but Moses’ staff devoured their staffs.
Satan has great power.  The only protection you have against that power is the protection and guardianship of God’s Spirit in your life.  Sadly, deceived men and women will serve Satan for his power and mock those who humble themselves to serve God.  Some say that Satan is just a spirit and cannot affect our lives but the Angel of the Lord destroyed 185,000 Assyrians in a single night.  Angels have power and God has more.  Magic and sorcery is real and powered by spiritual wickedness in high places.  God came that we might have life and more abundantly.  When will we learn that Satan will lie to you and lend you power until you are destroyed by it.  God will give you His power and life for an eternity.  Ultimately, the meek WILL inherit the earth.
10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, 11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.
Paul was all about doctrine.  He sought to plant that doctrine in all the churches he ministered to and sent his spiritual sons to.  We who have his complete writings in our Bible have no excuse if we do not study those lessons and live by them.  In His day he sent this one letter to a church and the people of that church based their very lives on it.  How sad is it that we have become so wise in our own eyes in the past 2000 years that we follow those who make our ears tingle. 
Paul lived what he taught and even rebuked Peter when he fell back into the Jews religion.  Everything he did was to serve His savior, the God who met him on the road to Damascus.  He made it clear that HIS purpose was to live as if Christ is life and death is gain.  His prayers were not centered on riches or fame but on grace and mercy.  Paul never stopped believing that God’s life was sure.  With the same diligence and zeal that he persecuted the church, once he was made aware of his error, he served God. 
If you want to know how much he suffered read 2 Corinthians 11.  Paul was a man on fire.  He dedicated his life and poured it into the ministry God required of him.  There was no task too dangerous or beneath him.  If the money was short, he did secular work until he had enough to continue the work of God.  He endured great affliction and loved without measure after he matured.  No matter where he went he was persecuted and attacked but none of that mattered to him.  He would serve the Lord no matter the cost.
12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
What about us?  We too must suffer wrong.  We too will be persecuted for our faith.  How can it be otherwise?  Satan is the god of this world.  We are the children of light and yet we fall short and miss the mark regularly.  Satan constantly accuses us of these crimes and we grieve for our weaknesses.  Paul wept over them constantly but God simply reminded him that His grace was sufficient.  Can you live this difficult life or will you stumble.  The only way to be safe is to hold tightly onto God.  Any distance between your flesh and God’s spirit will seem like an ocean.  Your body will always try to lead you into sin and you must not allow it.  Do not allow fear to force you backwards.
13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
Evil men and seducers abound around us.  They try to poison and defeat us in every area of our Christian walk.  In their false wisdom they themselves are deceived even while they deceive others.  Matthew 24:24 says: For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, IF IT WERE POSSIBLE, they shall deceive the very elect.  If it were possible?  It is absolutely possible whenever we as children of God reduce our belief in the truth and absolute perfection of God’s word.  It is not a letter written by a man but a perfect document written by God through a man.  If you do not consider God’s Word to be 100% accurate you are in danger of falling. 
14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
I have known dearly beloved brothers and sisters who began with or joined me in this way of life we call Christianity and who no longer walk this path or have lost their zeal.  This entire portion can be told in three words, “But continue thou.”  I have seen pastors, prophets, prayer warriors and more who because they lacked anchor within themselves or became angry with others have walked away from the truth of God to embrace mediocrity and sin.  In Matthew 22:14 Jesus ends a discourse by saying, “Many are called (and I can see their faces), but few are chosen.  Those who are chosen are those who chose to continue with Him … no … matter … what. 
I have been disappointed, lied to, cheated, hurt, felt stupid, wondered if it all was real and occasionally have tried to chuck it all.  I could not.  There was always that touch of God that was too important to trade for something simple like success or wealth.  I can recognize the fight being waged for my belief and more and more it becomes easier to say, “Not my will but thy will be done.”  I understand the danger of backsliding.  I dare not drop my guard for a single day lest it begin a landslide of broken dreams and destruction. 
God is real.  His Word is real.  His love is real.  His promises are sure.  I will accept this scripture as true and final.  There can be no changes or substitutions.  It is perfect, it is Jesus and it is my Lord.  If it makes me a fanatic for believing, so be it.  My God requires I love and not hate, build and not destroy, pray for and uphold my government and not overthrow.  God will make those changes if need be.  My orders remain forever locked.  Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy strength and thy neighbor as thyself.
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
This needs no interpretation.  Blessings beloved.

Bishop J

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