1 Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,
according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus, 2 To Timothy, my
dearly beloved son: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ
Jesus our Lord.
Receiving a blessing from an apostle or pastor or other five
fold ministry gift seems to be vastly underrated these days. The first thing Paul does here is to give his
name and title. I have seen many who
ignore titles saying, “I’m just brother or sister so and so.” Perhaps you are, however if God has seen fit
to ordain you and anoint you to carry that title, then it seems we ought to see
those titles as He does. Paul was
writing to his beloved son in the gospel.
When he spoke a word of blessing over him it was not a wishful, hopeful,
“perhaps God will hear.” It was a
dynamic and powerful, “By faith God WILL grant you grace (charis), mercy
(eleos), and peace (eirene). These gifts
will be given by both God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” One may not be able to command God but one
may command the blessings of God according to your anointing and level of
The next time someone says, “God bless you.” Consider the source, as they say. Was it spoken in faith like Timothy’s
blessing, or just something the other person said that was nothing more than a
powerless platitude. If the person has
the requisite anointing and call on their life but did not seem to have put
their heart in it; perhaps you might simply ask them to put some faith into it. Everyone’s life becomes overwhelming on
occasion and perhaps they didn’t put much faith behind your blessing. You might want to say, “Apostle, you seem to
be a bit preoccupied today. Perhaps you
could pray that again with more feeling?”
You should be sensitive to the other’s mental state, but there is no
reason you can’t encourage them to put their heart into it. Find them when they are rested and full of
energy. Faith requires our physical self
is fully engaged with the spiritual self.
3 I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure
conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night
and day; 4 Greatly desiring to see thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I may
be filled with joy; 5 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in
thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I
am persuaded that in thee also.
Are you faithful to your calling? Paul was.
According to verse 3 he never had to mentally hedge his answers to those
who asked, “Are you praying for me?” He
was. In Philemon he said, “Making
mention of thee.” Here it is translated
remembrance but remains the same Greek word, mneia. One has the idea that
while praying, whenever the needs of Timothy, Philemon or others came to his
mind and he spoke a blessing over them.
Paul had an intense craving to see his son Timothy. He understood how much grief Timothy had
endured this far and wanted to see him and let him know that he was okay. The last point he made was to give Timothy an
understanding of his potential and make sure he was not discouraged by the
struggles and difficulties he had endured.
One point to consider is that most of the original disciples of Jesus
were killed for their faith. These
leaders were forced to make sure those following were up to the task of
continuing the spread of the gospel.
This is still a real responsibility of powerful leaders today. One should always have prepared a replacement
and possibly several.
6 Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou
stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.
I hope you’ll take time to examined the underlined words in
the following verses. These words are
adjectives and hook phrases together into one contiguous sentence. It the case of scripture, the phrases are
verses and whether connected by wherefore,
but, for, and or any other conjunction, are all part of one thought. Verses three through five may be one sentence
but verses three through twelve are one complete statement. Paul is quite famous for run on sentences and
this isn’t even his longest.
In verses three through five Paul is reminding Timothy of
his spiritual legacy. It is worth noting
that God blesses families from generation to generation just as He used to
curse AND bless families from generation to generation. There is considerable teaching in the church
that our actions alone will make or break us and there is no passing along of
debts or benefits of a life lived badly or well. This verse is just one of many that argue
against this. Notice that Paul went back
to Timothy’s grandmother and mother.
Just as a good name is something to be sought after, building a strong multi-generation
family history of growth, spiritual maturity and service is a noble and
important goal as well. Even curses may
be retained for generations unless someone submits themselves to Christ and has
that curse erased.
Just because Jesus died for mankind does not mean He died
for you if you do not accept that gracious gift. The Old Testament curses continue until they
run into the blood of Jesus. If you’ve
never run to the blood then you have not outrun the curse.
The meat of this verse is to remember the gift God gave you
through the laying on of hands of the presbytery (1 Timothy 4:14) and the
stirring up of those gifts. God rarely
demands we succeed. His Spirit nudges
and empowers us but we can put Him off.
That is our choice as free agents of our own future. He will not force you to miss Hell or have a
better life through obedience and faithful living. As someone who went through a season of
boredom and inactivity I can honestly say it is much easier to stir up the
gifts and keep them stirred up than it is to bring them back after a long
period of lethargy. I heartily recommend
you keep the fire hot rather than living in cycles of weakness and strength.
7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Are you afraid? Draw
closer. Are you weak? Draw closer.
Are you frustrated and aggravated by others? Draw closer.
Is your mind a whirling mass of confusion? Draw closer to God. All these things are signs of a weak
interpersonal relationship with God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. The world will not accept you and the leaders
are often suspicious of you. We are not
of this world and they can feel that disconnection. You might win them individually to the Lord
but you will never be their true friend until that happens. Your life is offensive to them and in their
offense they will not hear your message.
There will always be a lack of understanding between us and them and we
win them a few at a time, not all at once.
8 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony
of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of
the gospel according to the power of God; 9 Who hath saved us, and called us
with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own
purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,
10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who
hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through
the gospel: 11 Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a
teacher of the Gentiles.
So…since you are the recipient of God’s calling tug upon
your heart and some man or woman’s blessing, and hopefully someone in your
family has prayed for you to grow and be blessed; and now that you have been endowed
with mighty spiritual gifts…do not let them atrophy or die. Make them grow and flourish. Be diligent to press toward the mark of the
high calling in Christ Jesus and continue faithfully in the work God has
assigned you. Do not let the attacks of
the enemy and godless on earth sway you to the right or left of God’s plan for
your life.
Look at verse nine.
God has called us with a great calling.
He didn’t do it because we were so special but because He looked upon us
in love. It was done before the world
was created and God has patiently been causing it to unfold ever since. Now look at verse ten. Our future and blessings are unfolding
because of Christ’s gifts, who has taken upon Himself the real problems that
hold us back. He has abolished death,
given us real, tangible life and has given us immortality. In other words…we have become much more than
this weak and beggarly flesh and are now immortal like our Lord. We will live forever. This gospel of ours will bring all this to
light so others may see and strive for that light.
It is bringing this glory (heavenly light and power) filled
gospel to us that called “Paul the Persecutor” to be a proclaimer of God’s word
and sent him to many exciting and sometimes dangerous places to teach its
specifics. More importantly, the Jewish
Pharisee had been sent to a people he would not even have spoken to or willingly
been in the same room with before. This
is something to consider in all we do.
We must know God’s will for us because it will likely be different from
what we think we should be doing.
12 For the which cause I also suffer these things:
nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed,
and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him
against that day.
Whew! This is the
last part of a very long statement.
Everything from verse three on is summed up in this verse. This one verse has three “special”
conjunctions to tie it together. Why do
I suffer all these things? Because of
everything in verses three through eleven but specifically ten and eleven. Paul was saying, “I am not ashamed.” The words not ashamed can mean that he wasn’t
embarrassed but more accurately says ‘I CANNOT BE STOPPED!” The second part of this verse has been made
into a song. “I know whom I have
believed…and am persuaded…that He is able…to keep that which I have committed…unto
Him…against that day. Which day? The most likely day here is the ‘Day of the
Lord’ when Jesus returns for His church.
The Day of the Lord was the most important day in the hearts
of the new disciples and many believed it would come in their lifetime. It had become a fear that all this was a
false hope and there would be no Day of the Lord. Paul was prompted to lay that fear to rest
many times and we still have his comforting words in Romans, Thessalonians and
Corinthians. “The dead in Christ would
rise first.” Why? Because they had run their race and finished
their course. Only after the graduates
were honored would the current students and teachers be raised up. In actual practice this whole thing happens
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
How? Because in that moment, we
will be snatched out of these mortal bodies, removed from the bondage of time
and given our glorious immortal bodies.
In that ‘moment’ you can live an entire lifetime and be no closer to the
13 Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast
heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.
Let’s read this in the Amplified Bible. 13 Hold fast and follow the pattern of
wholesome and sound teaching which you have heard from me, in [all] the faith
and love which are [for us] in Christ Jesus. When I learned to ride a
motorcycle I was taught one rule that I held dear. That rule was to assume all the other drivers
on the road were trying to kill me. Does
that seem fatalistic or paranoid? Perhaps
it is but it contains a hint of truth nonetheless. There’s an old saying that even paranoids
have enemies. John 15:19 says it pretty
clearly, “The world hates you.”
You are the holy ones.
You’re not perfect and that leaves you open to attack and character
assassination but you have absolute standards (or should) and are hated by all
unsaved men. They might not even know
why they do and try to accept you…but they will not be able to. Why would I assume all car drivers are trying
to kill me on my motorcycle? Because
when it comes to a small motorcycle they become blind and do not see me…they
are looking for other full size cars.
Why do I assume all sinners hate me?
Because their father is the Devil and even without knowing it they are
pushed toward hating me. They are blind
and cannot see the truth. Only God’s
Spirit can open their hearts to see the truth and accept it.
Once you know this, you can understand why it is so
important that we do not allow the ways of the flesh to taint our doctrine or
Christian ideals. You can’t lower God’s
standards to win souls. That makes you
into some psycho-babble shrink who is working things out as you go along. Your responsibility is to keep the Word of
God in HOLINESS and POWER and let God touch those hearts that He will. In this country we are all sinking toward the
abyss of touchie feelie humanistic doctrine and away from the true doctrine of
sin and salvation. God says He never
changes. What was true two thousand
years ago is still true today. Stand on
the truth beloved and hold to the love of our Lord Jesus.
14 That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by
the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us.
The Amplified version says, “14 Guard and keep [with the greatest care] the precious and
excellently adapted [Truth] which has been entrusted [to you], by the [help of
the] Holy Spirit Who makes His home in us.”
That’s pretty clear isn’t it? You
can’t do it alone but the Holy Spirit makes it possible and strengthens us to
hold the truth in love. God expects the
best of us. He expects the most of
us. He expects miracles because He has
empowered us to walk in them. He expects
us to hold His word PERFECT and COMPLETE and UNCHANGED in any way, never bowing
to the world or their version of wisdom.
15 This thou knowest, that all they which are in Asia be
turned away from me; of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes.
How sad. An entire
group of people turned away from God…and not just from Paul but from God Himself. Paul frequently had to deal with those who
came, grew up quickly, fed by excitement and this ‘new thing’ and just as
quickly died off because they had no root in themselves. As ministers of God’s word, this is a fact of
life. There will be those who you offer
your love and prayers to, those you weep over and stay up nights comforting and
those very people who will cut you to the heart when they leave. It used to hurt when they did it to my
Apostle and worse when it happened to me, but I finally realized that it is
part and parcel of our walk with the Lord.
Some people simply are not rooted and grounded in themselves
(Mark 4:17) and others trying to find love do not really love themselves. There are seven verses in the New Testament
alone that tell us we must love our neighbor’s as we love ourselves (Matthew
19:19, 22:39, Mark 12:31, Luke 10:27, Romans 13:9, Galatians 5:14 and James
2:8). For some this is hard because they
do not love themselves. For others, they
are not made perfect in love and stop when they are hurt. Whatever the reason, these cannot hold onto
the miracle of faith that is our walk with God.
16 The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus; for
he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain: 17 But, when he was in
Rome, he sought me out very diligently, and found me. 18 The Lord grant unto
him that he may find mercy of the Lord in that day: and in how many things he
ministered unto me at Ephesus, thou knowest very well.
This is not the Onesimus of Philemon. Onesiphorus was a little known believer who
was one of those seldom mentioned men or women who attach themselves to a
struggling minister and make their life easier by lifting whatever burdens are
afflicting the minister and making their lives easier. According to this verse he did so more than a
few times and did not think Paul’s bondage was due to sin or foolishness. The man went out of his way to track Paul
down in his Roman prison so he might relieve him of some burden.
He was probably a business man who managed his travel to
coincide with Paul’s journeys and may have become a Christian in Ephesus. His Greek name meant “bringing profit.” It brings us back to my earlier reminder of
how much a good name is worth. It’s
price is far above rubies. Nothing here
says he became a preacher or a prophet.
It says he refreshed Paul.
Sometimes your gift is that you know how to make money and that gift
serves you well in comforting the man or woman of God. Our Lord never blesses us with the ability to
get wealth for our life here on Earth alone.
It always is primarily to empower the ministry and ease the heart of
some man or woman of God.
I have seen this quite often that a real need in the
minister’s life is met by a saint who wants nothing more than to be a
blessing. Sadly, I have seen it abused
by others who use their money to control the man or woman of God. Beloved, if God gives you the wonderful
opportunity to aid the work of God through your financial blessing, then do not
let that opportunity slip through your hands.
I have done so myself more than a few times in the past and it always
blessed me more than the one I gave to.
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