Thursday, March 28, 2013

1 Timothy Chapter 6

Servanthood and slavery are powerful and influential Bible concepts.  Whatever your background you ought to develop a good, healthy understanding of them as portrayed in the Bible.  This is going to be a more difficult task for the average American, especially African Americans.  American slavery as experienced 150 or more years ago was an abomination in the eyes of God.  It’s not that slavery is supposed to be a desired condition but through the working of God there can be a certain nobility involved for both parties.  The reasons and economics of slavery have existed for thousands of years and still exist today around the world. 
Just because you hate something does not mean God is fixing it right this moment.  America became a house divided because of our perversion of slavery and God dealt with it in His timing and then healed the national rift.  White Americans perverted it and told God that other human beings He created in His image were unacceptable based on color.  The social and cultural rifts we still hold are our responsibility to repair.  Germany sought to destroy the Jews and again, God divided them into two Germanys.  It wasn’t until the last architect of the Jewish final solution died and went to Hell that the wall came down and Germany was reunited.
Judas was a zealot and hated the Romans with a burning rage that was his eventual undoing.  It consumed him so much that when Jesus failed to fulfill his dream of Jewish world domination he turned Him into the Jewish religious establishment.  It was not until the deed was done that he came to himself and realized his egregious sin.  He had allowed Satan to enter into him and blind him to Christ’s message.  When Judas finally woke up to the truth and tried to make it right there was nothing to be done.  He sealed his curse by hanging himself on a tree and was received in Hell.
You might ask yourself, “So what preacher?  What does this have to do with slavery today?”  Specifically?  Nothing.  It has to do with failing to trust God in every circumstance.  Israel is still God’s chosen people two thousand years after Jesus’ death and resurrection.  Judas’ frustration at seeing God’s people under a yoke of bondage is perfectly understandable but his refusal to trust God to make the change was his undoing.  He had seen the miracles of Jesus and had even performed them himself.  He stole from the disciples (John 12:6) as well so we know he was covetous and as a pretext of national pride hid his considerable sins.  More than any of the disciples, Judas needed the very Savior he betrayed.
Had he trusted Jesus and supported him, Judas like Peter would have been chastened for his various sins and forgiven.  He would have become stronger during the trials and eventually may have been an honored leader in the church.  Instead his very name has become synonymous with traitor and has largely destroyed the honor that name deserved by the acts of Judas Maccabeus 160 years earlier or the fact that the root of Judas is Judah.  The other Judas in Jesus’ group never used the name again and went by Thaddaeus, Labbaeus or Jude.  Proverbs 22:1 says, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches.” 
Whether you believe your actions are justified or not, God will be the final judge and your name will either be remembered for honor or infamy.  God won’t care that you were bond or free, poor or rich, He will only want to know if you have obeyed His word, fed His sheep and received His son.  If you say, “But God, I was a slave!”  He will say, “Depart from me ye workers of iniquity.  I never knew you.”  The Lord is only interested in what you did in faith no matter what your circumstances are.  The lower your circumstance, the greater your faith will appear and the greater the honor God will ultimately bestow upon you.  In the long run it is much better to be Lazarus who is with Jesus than the rich man who is currently in Hell (Luke 16:19-31).
1 Let as many servants (doulos, slave) as are under the yoke (ox yoke) count their own masters (despot, absolute ruler) worthy of all honor, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed.
If you are a slave, or in prison, or in economic bondage, what is God’s expectation of you?  That you treat your captor respectfully and with GREAT honor.  Why?  So God’s NAME and His DOCTRINE are not blasphemed.  Does that mean that they deserve that respect and are those who always treat you with respect?  No.  It means that you will honor God and show Him respect by respecting those placed over you.  You do it because GOD is worthy, not because they are.  You do it because that honor will pass to the Lord and if they do not try to be worthy God will still hold them responsible and chasten them for disrespecting His child. 
Your eternity will be marked by wealth, health and joy.  God would like to have your master or supervisor or lord join you in that experience.  Your actions toward them can make all the difference.  I remind you again of the rich man and Lazarus.  Scripture says that the rich man enjoyed good things ALL HIS LIFE and then went to Hell.  In Hell he would have been overjoyed to have Lazarus place one drop of water on his tongue and yet it was too late.  God is not as concerned with your comfort in this life as He is that your actions as a child of God will win converts and bring Him honor.
2 And they that have believing (pistos) masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren (adelpho); but rather do them service (douleuo), because they are faithful (pistos) and beloved (agapetos), partakers (one who embraces) of the benefit. These things teach and exhort (parakaleo).
This verse is quite powerful and does not come as a SUGGESTION but as a COMMAND.  You must love your master, your despot in the faith.  That’s right, love them, agape them, cherish them.  If your flesh is screaming now, it ought to be dead.  If you have suffered disrespect from these people your whole life, that disrespect has been heaped upon your flesh, not your spirit.  Whether they see your worth as a believer or not, you must see their worth as one.  You are to serve them as a doulos, a slave.  Esther was a slave who became queen and yet SERVED as queen. 
Scripture says we ought not think too highly of ourselves.  Inner city gangsters DEMAND respect but do not offer it themselves.  They are the absolute opposite of what God expects in this situation.  They are vicious killers, brute beasts who don’t even look to see who they are hurting.  They get respect for killing a baby as much as killing an adult.  They are children of their father the devil and we are to pray for them and pity them but never try to be like them.
The masters in the scripture above are faithful and beloved by God.  In spite of your position under them you must love them as well.  It goes on to say that you should teach and exhort others to do the same thing.  It’s not enough to respect and possibly even love your master in the Lord; you must teach AND exhort others to do as the Holy Spirit exhorts us to do greater things for the Lord.
3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; 4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, 5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.
If you have an attitude against your master or do not agree with what Paul has written here, let me remind you that this scripture is not a story or allegory.  It is the Word of God.  If you refuse to obey this scripture or have an attitude of anger or rage toward it you are proud, high minded and without understanding.  This commandment is a simple one in understanding while difficult to the flesh to carry out.  In this country it is a point of greatest contention.  On the one hand, some of the former or current masters believe they DESERVE this honor and respect and we know in truth they do not deserve it.  On the other hand, we who are freed in Christ yet believe our lives themselves must be free of the bondage of man.  In that belief we deny God a place of authority in our lives.
He has commanded this.  Any argument you can possibly bring against it is sin.  It is that simple.  Your natural man is of no consequence when weighed against the spirit and eternal blessings of heaven.  God sold His Son as a slave to sin for your sake.  In the unlikely event that you might find yourself an actual slave to another or to some circumstance, He expects you to be as gracious and as loving as Jesus was when He hung on the cross for your sake.  If your cry is, “I will accept nothing less than freedom,” the Bible says you are a perverse disputer and destitute of the great truth of God.  In God’s eyes it is better to be sold into slavery and to live free in faith than to live in the house of kings and be a slave to sin.  The next verse explains God’s reasoning.
6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.
Are you content where you are?  Do you live in a godly way?  If so you have great power in the life to come.  Has God granted you peace that passes all understanding?  No?  Well, if you continue to press into this mindset it will come.  That great peace is promised to all who keep their mind stayed on God.  Flee youthful lusts.  Pray without ceasing.  In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.  Remember, this is not a request but a commandment.
7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
Job 1:21  Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. 22 In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.  In this case Job had just been informed that all his children were killed in a tornado.  Notice it says that in all this Job did not sin or charge God foolishly.  We were born naked and shall return to God the same way.  Either we will be clothed with righteousness or we’ll hear, “Depart from me ye workers of iniquity.  I never knew you.” 
8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
Are you the type of person who can be satisfied with food and clothing?  I have all to often seen those who must have the best car and clothing and biggest house.  They will injure themselves with debt and turn poverty into a great curse.  God prefers that we will simply be at peace where we find ourselves.  I know those who purchase a small (very small) home and when possible ride bicycle’s to work or the store.  They are not terrified about tomorrow and have abandoned the need to race around making more and more money.  There are also those who are never satisfied and struggle with maintaining an expensive lifestyle going from challenge to challenge.
9 But they that will (and have purposed in their hearts to) be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
If you desired to be wealthy and prayed about it, consider how long it would take God to prepare your heart to be ready to walk in that wealth without danger.  You might be in your sixties before it happened.  God warns us to flee youthful lusts.  It calls them a temptation and a trap.  They are foolish and hurtful.  People say they are afraid to submit fully to God, that they will drown in Him and cease to exist.  God’s fear for us is that we will drown in desires and drown in fleshly destruction and physical, emotional and spiritual ruin.  We are often too weak to tell our flesh no.  Our natural mental abilities often fight against our eternal and infallible spirit (Proverbs 16:25).
10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
The word translated money in the KJV is the word for avarice.  The Greek word breaks down to, “Fond of silver.”  Many seek finances for their own sake and not to accomplish a task.  For that person, enough is never sufficient.  The word also leaves the sense of coveting.  This means that you desire what another has.  Worldly companies often destroy one another to make just a bit more even when their business is doing well.  They covet what the other has.  This is not good business practice, it is sin. 
They have been seduced away from faith (pistis).  Why?  Because if you never have enough you are not trusting God for your sense of wellbeing.  You need to have more to feel safe and secure.  Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  If your peace is maintained only by having more than you need then you never need trust God for anything.  You have stumbled spiritually and (as the Greek says) have tortured yourself with tortures and great grief.  There is no peace in this type of life and we should not seek to live it.
11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
And now, says God, this is the life I have for you.  This is the third time in one chapter God says, “Flee lust.”  It doesn’t have to mean those of the flesh but they are natural lusts even if they mean money.  We are encouraged instead to follow righteousness and integrity, holiness and reverence toward God, faith (pistis), God’s love (agape), patience, a steadfast continuance in God’s will, and finally gentleness and meekness.  We are the most powerful people on this planet.  We do not need to prove it.  God will provide the proof.  We need only to believe and walk in it.
12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
We’re to contend for the godly fight of faith in God.  In that fight we are to grasp for ourselves the eternal life of God which provides our calling.  This life is the one that we have professed before many witnesses, probably during a service somewhere, and where the Devil will try to steal from your mind and make your faith shipwreck.  Do not allow him to do so.  Recognize the doubts as that attack and rebuke them in the Name of the Lord.
13 I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession; 14 That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ: 15 Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords; 16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honor and power everlasting. Amen.
This is Paul’s final charge to Timothy and the churches he went to.  He reminds him that God makes all things alive.  We are to keep Jesus’ example who had a good confession before Pilate.  Live your life according to scripture and not the latest social argument.  Abominable lifestyles like homosexuality were prevalent in Rome during Paul’s house arrest.  He still spoke against it and reminded them that it was not God’s will for men to be with men and women to be with women.  It is the same thing now. 
Will it come to pass in this country that they will be allowed to marry?  I believe so.  Can we stop it?  Unlikely for two reasons.  Two many saints of God think scripture is just a nice idea to try and emulate but not God’s true word.  This means they believe God was unable to make the authors keep on task and that God is weak but mostly it means we as a church seldom obey the scripture explicitly.  Church leaders in fancy robes and large churches with impressive degrees and titles will vote in favor of it to keep their membership up.  The second reason is that God has warned us of the seasons to come and we are rapidly approaching that season.  The end is near.
We have been commanded to keep His COMMANDMENTS without a single spot of unbelief or compromise.  This is not a comfortable position to be in.  We are also commanded to remain gracious and loving at all times, even in duress and so those who allow their anger and rage to overcome them and respond badly are not obeying God’s word.  They are answering to the flesh. 
Our charge is until Jesus returns in the cloud for his church without spot, wrinkle or any blemish.  Sadly, many who believe themselves to be in the church won’t even hear the trumpet.  The roaring of the natural man will be too great.  Never forget that Jesus is the King of all earthly kings and the Lord of all earthly lords.
17 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; 18 That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; 19 Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
What if you are wealthy… then what?  If you are wealthy you must remember that your wealth did not come by your wits but the wits God gave you.  It was given to you for a purpose and if that purpose is abused or ignored He is quite able to blow on your wealth and make it disappear.  What does He expect?  He expects that you will do good with the money and help others as much as possible.  Be quick to meet the needs of others and offer help when needed.  This is how you will build a good foundation for the time to come and ultimately lay hold of and abide in eternal life. 
Consider this possibility.  What if God applies every penny of tithes and offerings and all the money we give to the poor toward a foundation of your home in Heaven?  If that was the case, how big would your foundation be thus far.  Suppose a foundation equals the percentage of your finances you have given divided by your time in Christ.  If I earn $100 a month and give $12 a month in tithes and offerings and you earn $200 a month and still give $12 in tithes and offerings then my foundation in Heaven would be twice as large as yours since you only give half as much in relation to your income.  What if you have been saved for a year  and have given your tithes and offerings for that entire year and I have been saved for a year but have only given my tithes and offerings for six months.  In that case your foundation would be double mine because you have been faithful longer.
I don’t know if this is the way it works or not, but I do know that the word for foundation means a substructure.  Jesus said He goes to prepare a place for us but what if our actions here on Earth determine how large the home will be?  What if we build the foundation in Heaven through our giving and another (Jesus) builds thereon?  Something to think about isn’t it?
20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: 21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
Let’s look closely at this closing.  Keep the gifts and instructions you have been given.  Acknowledge that they are given into your trust by God and He expects you to be faithful in their operation.  Do not listen to babbling fools who do not know God but only have a secular understanding of who He is.  Their babblings are vain and mean nothing.  Ignore and avoid arguments of false science.  Notice it says false science and not science.  True science never lies and does not change the results or come up with unproven theories merely to prove a point.  Those who do are liars and false teachers.  True science seeks the truth and is fully willing to accept it when they hear it.  Saul was a Pharisee and tried to destroy the church.  Once Jesus met him on the road and revealed Himself, Saul forsook everything he knew and accepted the truth of Christ and grace.  He would have been a true scientist.
There are true, born again scientists, who seek only to learn about the universe God has created and because they do not begin their search believing a lie, they are much more likely to discover the truth.  I have said before in my lessons that God is not against science.  He is against false science where man tries to prove He does not exist.  If you try to prove the existence of God He will reveal Himself to you.  If you try to prove He does not exist He will allow you to believe a delusion and you will believe the lie even while you change the truth to make it fit your belief.  How sad to call yourself a scientist and fake all your findings.
The first to Timothy was written from Laodicea, which is the chiefest city of Phrygia Pacatiana.
Beloved,  life in Christ is not for the faint of heart.  You must build up your most holy faith every opportunity you get while young in the faith so when things get difficult you will not stumble in unbelief.  Never allow your emotional baggage to color or poison your faith walk.  People hate you for many things and people love you for the same things.  People are fickle and faithless so to get angry at them for being weak is useless.  Pray for them.  Encourage them.  No matter what, help them to grow in Christ.
Bishop J

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