Saturday, November 8, 2014

Will a Man Rob God Part 4

God likes to brag on us kids.  He is like any proud poppa who points to a picture of our righteousness and obedience and says, “Have you considered Job.”  It grieves the Holy Spirit to see His children involved in scandal after scandal or to hear them approving of sins that He Himself has called abominable.  In our current touchy feely climate we offend Him daily by forgiving others in His name without the evidence of repentance or even so much as a vain word of guilt being uttered.  When God said that whatsoever you forgive on Earth will be forgiven in heaven it is presupposed that you have forgiven them because they are forgiven by the Holy Spirit who indwells you. 

John 20:22 AMP And having said this, He breathed on them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit! 23 [Now having received the Holy Spirit, and being led and directed by Him] if you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of anyone, they are retained. 

Notice the order of things.  Jesus breathed on His disciples after His resurrection and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit!”  Does anyone think that God the Father did not keep God the Son’s word here?  Of course not.  They received the Holy Spirit.  Understand also that there is no break between verse 22 and verse 23.  The word ‘now’ in verse 23 makes it a continuation of verse 22.  Lets look at the same two verses in the King James version.

John 20:22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: 23 Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

In the KJV it leaves off the word ‘now’ but adds a colon at the end of verse 22 to continue the thought into 23.  Remember, chapters and verses do not exist in the Hebrew or Greek.  They are added by editors to make our Bible study more easily followed but they do not exist in the original.  You must read it in the original to get the flavor of the original.  The original here says, “lambano hagios pneuma tis an hamartia aphiemi aphiemi autos tis an kratao kratao.” 

It’s perfectly clear now right?  What He said is, “Now that you have taken hold (lambano) of the Holy Spirit (hagios pneuma) and He in turn has taken hold of YOU, if you forgive it is forgiven (aphiemi) and if you keep hold they are held (kratao).”  We are talking about forgiveness so if you forgive something it has to be a sin and if you keep hold you are not forgiving that sin.  We know we’re talking about sins and forgiveness because hamartia means to miss the mark.  In either case, it MUST be led by the UNCTION of the Holy Spirit which you have received.  I keep hammering this because it can’t be due to your tender heart or family loyalty or for financial gain.  It must be because the Holy Spirit is leading you to do so and it must be SCRIPTURAL.

The reason I spent so much time on this is because too many ‘saints’ of God allow themselves to be led by feelings and not scripture or spiritual unctions.  This leads to error which means that God is not with you no matter how much you might say He is.  Thousands of people commit terrible acts in the name of God and what frustrates me is that most unchurched people will NEVER EVEN ASK what our holy scripture has to say about it.  We are not free to do whatever we want and have God back us up.  He only backs up those who walk by scripture and not by feelings, opinions or man’s wisdom.

Now that we have established that God is not about to bless your mess, what happens if we do obey His Word? 

11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts.

When you are paying your tithes and living God’s Word everything changes.  First and foremost Satan attacks you and tries to get you to quit.  If you realize this up front you won’t be wondering why people out of nowhere begin to attack you for no apparent reason when you serve God.  The reason is not apparent because it’s spiritual.  Your money will get flaky and your closest friends may turn on you.  You have entered the battle and while you can step on Satan’s head, he will be bruising your heel (Genesis 3:15) and everyone knows it is painful to walk with a bruised heel. 

Because God knows you occasionally stumble and falter during these attacks, He gets involved personally and rebukes the devourer and destroyer of your labors for your sake.  I really want you to get this.  Have you ever had one of those days or weeks (or months or years) where it seems like every time you try to do something in business or even church you get clobbered?  Yes?  Are you paying your tithes?  Do you know how to pay your tithes?  The word tithe in Hebrew is maaser and it means tenth. 

If you earn one thousand dollars a month and the government takes two hundred dollars of your money in taxes, how much are your tithes?  I have had many tell me that their tithes in this case would be one tenth of the remaining eight hundred dollars.  They would pay eighty dollars…and cheat God out of twenty dollars.  God did not tell the government to take more of your money than He requires.  That is something you might want to take up with your government.  God requires a tenth of your income.  If you get paid ten cabbages for a salary or ten chickens then you give one to God even if your government comes and takes two of your chickens or cabbages. 

In my case I can’t stop the government from taking theirs first off the top.  They will have to answer to God for that themselves.  I calculate how much I have earned.  If I have worked for one hundred hours at ten dollars an hour then I have earned one thousand dollars.  I owe God one hundred dollars.  When the government and my insurance get done my check may be seven hundred and eighty dollars.  I still owe God one hundred dollars. 

Some people have problems with managing money.  They get into a spending binge right after payday and the next thing you know they forgot tithes.  I might not get in a spending binge but I am forgetful and so I came up with a way to make sure God gets His.  I have opened an account at my bank and named it Tithes.  On payday the check is automatically transferred into my household account.  I use my computer to go online and transfer that one hundred dollars from my Household account to my Tithe account. 

My tithe account is sanctified.  That means it is set apart for God’s use.  If the IRS decided to take that money to pay a debt they believe I owe they will have stolen from God.  I do not use that money for food or anything else.  If there is a hundred dollars in my tithe account and it is a week before payday and I’m broke, I guess I will be going on a fast because I cannot use that money for food.  The majority of that money goes to my local church so there will be meat in God’s house.  Occasionally I might send a portion to someone in need just as Paul spoke to the church at Corinth (1 Corinthians 9:1-12). 

I’ve heard the arguments for and against tithing and I am personally against anything that will reduce the amount of income we faithfully give to the church…or the poor…to do God’s work.  I have been privy to enough ‘Christian’ men and women who tithe to God pretty words and little else.  They do not trust God, refuse to walk in faith and have answered ‘yes’ in every way possible to the question, “will a man rob God.”  Let me ask you a question.  If you were in financial straits and struggling for your next meal or a roof over your head, can you look up to heaven in the midst of your suffering and say, “Lord!  I faithfully pay my tithes and I need your help now!”

If you can then you are a rare and precious Christian.  God has great things in store for you and is ready to make all your prayerful financial decisions and actions prosper.  He looks upon you with great affection and is absolutely thrilled to open the windows of heaven.

12 And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts.

God is even more than just excited to bless you.  He wants to brag on you like He bragged on...  “Don’t say it preacher!  Not Job again!  I don’t want to be like Job.”  Why not?  Sure…Job went through a lot and in Christ we will all go through a lot.  It is a difficult walk, full of spiritual warfare and insults by ignorant men and women.  Most of what happens to us falls under the heading of training.  When I joined the Air Force I went through some pretty rough training, but that was mild compared to the Marine Corps.  I suppose the forces closest to our walk in Christ is the Navy SEALS.  It’s more than the pressure, discipline and exhaustion that makes these elite warriors SEALS.  It’s their unity, how they work together toward that common goal, no matter what. 

They are well trained, disciplined and absolutely focused on the task at hand.  If someone stumbles they are right there to lend a hand and lend their strength to the weaker members.  To me that sounds a lot like the church OUGHT TO BE.  God wants to let everyone know that we are the apple of His eye and that we will stand when all those who thought they were bigger, tougher and stronger have been ground into the dust.  Sure we are walking in His strength and reaping His blessings along the way.  That is only right since so many hate and despise Him.  We endure their taunts and threats and God blesses us with Eternal Life and great joy. 

It takes a man of great spirit and faith to understand Hebrews 12:2 which says, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Verses 3-7 are pretty eye opening too.  Abraham knew he was not from around here.  He believed he was a sojourner on his way to a better place.  We too must believe we are headed to a better place and know that when our training is complete, God will show His love for us in tangible and very real ways, both now in in the time to come.

This life can be difficult for God’s children, but His promises are sure and His blessings tangible.  I pray that every one of you who reads this will stand in His love and reap His blessings.

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