Monday, February 24, 2014

A World Without Bridges

Have you ever given any thought to a bridge?  In North Carolina just a few miles south of us is an old bridge that allows an entire community to leave an island without a ferry.  That bridge has been undermined by whispers of seawater over the years until it’s foundation is cracked and corroded.  Fearing for the safety of the local community the Department of Transportation was forced to close it down temporarily and it made life difficult for everyone.  More slow expensive ferries were needed and many people simply stayed home and did not go out.  All this happened because of a damaged foundation on an old structure.

We who live in Christ are partakers of the greatest bridge of all, the sacrifice of the cross which bridged the impossible gap between our righteousness and Gods.  We know how important that bridge is, that there could be no complete fellowship with Him apart from that powerful act of faith on the part of His Son Jesus.  Are you aware of all the bridges God has established in your life to speed you on your way? 

Many pass by unnoticed like a flat freeway overpass that looks exactly like the rest of the road.  Others are enormous steel structures that span impossible gorges or cross raging rivers.  Some float on water to link many islands like beads in a chain.  We tend to notice these bridges, how they're built and often, what shape they're in.  Without bridges our travel plans will take much longer with multiple rides on ferries or by driving many miles out of our way.  If we are on foot it means we must climb down steep hills and cross rivers and streams by swimming in water that may be dangerous.

Our walk with God is filled with many bridges.  Occasionally it is someone who drops your name to a supervisor that lands you that coveted job.  Some times it is a word in the ear of a local pastor who calls you to speak at his church and helps jump start your ministry.  Many famous performers have begun in churches by singing or dancing before their local congregation when someone noticed their amazing gift and helped them along.  That is another type of bridge.

We who trust God and depend upon His leading and direction should be careful how we treat the bridges in our life.  Some bridges have been so badly polluted or damaged by the people who use them that leadership has been forced to close them to all but authorized personnel to preserve their integrity.  What was once open to all has become hampered by lack of respect, lies and backstabbing. 

You might ask yourself why all this matters.  It matters because without bridges in your spiritual life you must do everything the hard way.  You can not walk from San Diego to Coronado Island without the Coronado bridge.  You must swim or take a boat while dodging dangerous ships and harbor traffic.  With the bridge it’s an easy journey.  Without it, the journey is not only difficult, but can be extremely dangerous.  Some rivers are filled with alligators, piranha or crocodiles and swimming is impossible.  Many contain Hippos which can crush small boats like kindling.

Beloved, take care of the bridges in your life.  Many can silently lend a hand from a continent away through prayer and intercession.  Others might speak a word in season to speed you upon your way.  One of the most important attributes of a bridge is they save you time.  Scripture says we are to redeem the time because the days are evil and dangers abound (Ephesians 5:16, Colossians 4:5).  To redeem that time we must make use of all the bridges God has placed in our lives. 

If you are a bridge, stand strong.  If you feel unnoticed, unappreciated or disrespected, do not despair.  God Himself has placed you in a place of strategic importance.  Your position may change the lives of countless thousands over many years of faithful service.  Some bridges are magnificent structures created by great wisdom and knowledge and some are simple spans that cross a quiet stream.  Both have their place and both serve the Lord.  Be faithful, be vigilant and know that God sees your labor of love.

Bishop J.

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