Hebrew – TONEBAH
Something disgusting.
Abhorrent to God. IDOLATRY. A failure to TRUST God. A failure to OBEY God. Wickedness.
(Leviticus 18:22 specifically mentions – Homosexuality). Interestingly, the reasons given in the New
Testament for rampant homosexuality is a refusal to surrender to God’s will in
favor of your own feelings. It continues
to say that God gave them over to be swallowed up by those improper and
destructive lusts to perform what is shameful (Romans 1:21-32).
That is not the end of the matter. This conscious removal of God from ones
thought life leads to unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, envy, murder,
debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backbiters, God haters, full of spite,
prideful, braggarts, evil, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish,
covenant breakers, lacking even natural affection, unreasonable and without
mercy. This central truth is clearly
seen in society today. As long as we who
believe His Word fail to spread that word so it can grow we will continue to
see men and women grow worse and worse.
If someone should speak against these lifestyles they are
approve they are called ENLIGHTENED or said to understand TRUE LOVE. These purveyors of unnatural affections and
passions will allow no words to be spoken against their lifestyles that might
negatively affect the strides they have made in today’s society. You MUST agree with them. You are not allowed to have a personal
opinion that is different from theirs.
They may say they just want equal protection under the laws but what
they actually demand is full acceptance and public approval of their lives.
Oddly enough I have never seen a homosexual couple that does
not have a male and female member. There
is almost always a masculine and feminine woman, one who wears suits and has
masculine mannerisms and one who wears dresses and is more feminine. In couples made up of two men, one is usually
more calm and take charge and the other more submissive and feminine
acting. These people may or may not go
as far as wearing gender marking clothing which some call cross dressing but
the mannerisms are usually quite obvious.
Even those who cross dress are an abomination to God because He has
specifically addressed this in Deuteronomy 22:5. It is TONEBAH.
It is impossible to completely remove ourselves from our
true natures of man and woman, male and female, husband and wife. When He removed a rib from Adam to create
Eve, it was His intention that mankind follow this intimate union of man and
woman in a loving and nurturing relationship for all time. Once we have left this place and have been
accepted in the Beloved “JESUS” we will no longer require the physical bonding
of male and female for procreation and passion.
Our passion at that time will be a much higher plane of existence and we
will be free from the bondage of flesh.
There are several words translated ABOMINATION in
scripture. Just a few others are…
Hebrew – TAME, pronounced
Tom May.
Utterly unclean.
Defiled. A violation of nature
AND God’s nature.
(Leviticus 18:23 – Bestiality.)
I have heard men brag about having sex with farm animals and
women with large pets. All of these things
are an abomination “TAME” toward
God. Most people consider this action to
be ‘wrong’ but not all. For some who
have completely surrendered themselves to the ‘flesh’ there is no experiment
too obscene nor act too terrible to be considered. These are they who prey upon others and have
gone beyond criminals who might rape a woman or man to one who would molest
children and even murder and eat another human being.
These brute beasts are no longer in God’s image. They have become the ‘Earthborn.’ They are those for whom this existence in
this temporary place is everything.
There is no punishment in their eyes for these acts since life is over
once the body ceases. They do not
understand that one day every man, every woman will answer to God for their
life choices. Sadly, we have allowed
these perversions of God’s gift to become rule makers and society shakers. They have taken prayer and patriotism from
our schools and now children prey upon other children in games that have no
limit because no limits are placed upon them by a righteous God who we have
abandoned. There is no absolute right
and wrong in their eyes. Whoever they
hurt, whoever they kill matters little against their own lusts.
Stink, fetid, smell of death and decay. Foul thing, unclean.
Spoken of unworthy, unclean sacrifices and failure to follow
God’s directions. (Leviticus 7).
Leviticus 7 is all about what God will accept from us. It has changed in Christ only in that His
sacrifice has taken the place of the blood sacrifices of lambs and bullocks. He still expects us to serve and obey
Him. He has not abdicated His position in
our lives; we have abdicated ours.
Isaiah 64:6-8 says:
But we are all as an unclean thing,
and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags;
and we all do fade as a leaf;
and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
And there is none
that calleth upon thy name,
that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee:
for thou hast hid thy face from us,
and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities.
But now, O Lord, thou
art our father;
we are the clay, and thou our potter;
and we all are the work of thy hand.
This is God’s question for us. When will we realize we are consumed because
of our failure to obey God? When will we
realize we are burning our souls in the fires of iniquity? When will we call out to our God and repent
for our terrible sins?
He is calling out to us each day. Some of us hear but others have become
completely deaf by the multitude of transgressions. If you no longer hear His voice or desire His
touch; I pray you will repent and ask God to open your eyes and unstop your
ears. Our God is a consuming fire
(Hebrew 12:28-29). Fortunately He is
also a God who suffers long with us in love (1 Corinthians 13). For this brief moment we may call out and He
will hear. I pray you do not waste this
moment beloved.
Bishop J.
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