Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I Love You Jesus

Two thousand years ago God chose to perform a selfless act of love on our behalf.  He sent his holy and perfect son Jesus to become a man and go through all the stages of life from infancy to childhood to adulthood.  He was misunderstood and maligned, worshipped and spat upon.  Some insisted He destroy the enemies of His people Israel but He had come to destroy the true enemy of all mankind…sin.

He learned to appreciate His life on earth and was not excited about the painful task He had been born to; asking His father if possible, to change His destiny.  Nonetheless He was willing to fulfill his purpose and did so without a single murmur or complaint. 

Tomorrow we in America celebrate this wonderful and precious gift from God.  One hundred years ago we celebrated as a nation with a majority of hearts touched by this simple yet vital gift.  Today we are a strong minority under attack for our faith. 

I am thankful for my Savior.  I know the true reason for this season of God.  Those in the world say there is no need for God any more.  They say that when teens and young adults go into schools and kill their fellow students, there is no need.  They say that when a father climbs fifty stories and throws his three year old son and then himself off the building there is no need.  They say when someone murders the precious life within them to avoid parenthood, there is no need.  They say when the confused and wounded end their own lives with a pill or a gun, there is no need.  They absolutely say that when a man and woman marry it is okay but if two men or two women marry it is somehow a higher relationship and you may not speak against it.  They say God’s gift of love is only valid if there are no rules and no requirements.  According to my God they call evil good and good evil and there is no need for the child born in a manger.

I love the child in the manger, the precocious youth speaking before the chief priests and especially the grown adult who hung upon a tree for me.  I love the sacrifice and the sorrow He and His loved ones endured that I might be saved from God’s judgment.  Tomorrow I will celebrate His life as I have often celebrated His death and resurrection.  If I sing of a town in Bethlehem or a Silent Night, if I celebrate the coming of the faithful I will bear in mind the little child who bore the ancient soul.  I will celebrate the grace of a grieving father for His wayward children and I too will believe in the only begotten Son of God.

I love you Jesus.  Happy Birthday.  Tomorrow and every day thereafter I ask you to come to my house and knock on my door.  I open my door to you and ask you to enter.  My live is yours and my future as well.  Have a great Birthday.

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