Thursday, January 31, 2013

What Will You Be When You Grow Up?

I usually write about a subject that has grabbed my attention during study but this one has rested in my spirit for a long time and I have so often been accused of saying offensive and rude things that I have kept it on the back burner.  The problem has to do with the “that’s not what you said 20 years ago” attitude that pervades America today.  While I don’t expect the world which God says will wax worse and worse (2 Timothy 3:13) to change for the better; I actually do expect the saints of God to do so.
In my early years I might well have been given a prize for most likely to remain a jerk or maybe even a fool.  Looking back on my life I would say it’s a toss-up.  Even today in the church there are people who have known me for 30 years who still believe I am who I was and no amount of change on my part will ever erase that first impression in their minds.  From a world standpoint I can accept this since in the world people rarely discover a new way of living and become saintly.  As someone who lives and ministers in the church I find this troubling at best and deadly to the world at the worst.
I can’t erase my youth; it is what it is.  While that might bother me in a far off way, it fills me with excitement in a much more immediate way.  If God has brought me from where I was to where I am, then how much more might He do in my life given my whole hearted cooperation. 
I have been reading a book by the rabbi Maimonides who quoted Isaiah 49:3 which says, “And [the Lord] said to me, You are My servant, Israel [you who strive with God and with men and prevail], in whom I will be glorified.”  His exegesis on that verse was enlightening. 
Maimonides, who lived in a Muslim country serving a Muslim Vizier as a court physician wrote extensively on the Laws of God and how men ought to live before God.  To paraphrase Maimonides,
If you are a well-known preacher or teacher or prophet or minister of God’s word and you begin to act in ways that cause men to speak badly about you, even if the things you do are not scriptural sins, you have desecrated the Name of God.  If you purchase an item and then argue with the person who sold it to you when you have the money in your pocket or bank account to pay for it because you want to wait a while to pay; or if you behave foolishly or hang around foolish and ungodly people, laughing at their jokes and stories, you have desecrated the Name of God.  If you speak rudely to others and treat them with contempt whether they have done something to deserve it or not, and you treat them with great disrespect, you have desecrated the Name of God.
He continued to say that the greater the anointing on your life the more holy and righteous you ought to be.  If you strive for a great anointing you may no longer consider yourself to have the right to be rude or disrespectful to those who are rude and disrespectful to you.  Remember, a Jew who did not have Matthew chapter 5 to tell you to take it with a good grace wrote this.  He was allowed an eye for an eye in the Hebrew Scriptures and wanted us to know that those who aspire for ministry must go beyond the basics of scriptural requirements to serve God.
He said if the leader is careful in his behavior, speaks pleasantly with others and receives them with a smiling face and pleasant words (even if they are not giving him the same courtesy); and if he does not spend a lot of time hanging around fools, liars and profane persons and is not a partaker of their attitudes, and if he is always seen doing the work of His God with love and grace, then that person actually fulfills Isaiah 49:3.  God is glorified THROUGH that person and the common man will honor God through YOU.
God is not honored by pastors who scribble an insult on a receipt over the amount of a tip and self-righteously say, “God only gets 10%, you don’t deserve 18%.”  God is not honored by those who insult the parents of homosexual children at their funerals and claim to be doing so in the name of God.  This dishonors God’s name.  God is hurting for those people; for their loss and for the fact that their son or daughter were not serving Him.  Those who do such things have literally added insult to injury with their Pharisaical conduct. 
Doesn’t the scripture say that who we forgive on Earth are forgiven in Heaven and whose sins we keep in mind are kept in Heaven (John 20:23)?  Is it our job as Christians to do Satan’s work and be the great accusers or is it our job to do Christ’s work and try to be the comforters, healers and redeemers?
I know that these things are done in fear.  We have the Book and know the end from the beginning.  I can see the signs and know that we are in the beginning of the end.  This country like all others will one day forsake Israel and our period of national grace will end.  Homosexuality is a sin but where does it say we should treat these human beings with hatred and contempt simply because they sin.  Do you hate yourself when you sin?  Do you hate me when I sin?  I have no illusions about my life.  I am fully and completely imperfect and the only hope I have is in the sacrifice of Christ Jesus my Lord. 
Beloved, if you get angry with the liars and mockers, the fools and stealers it isn’t them; it’s you.  You’re afraid.  God said the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4).  Where in that verse does it say we are supposed to fight the homosexual or cuss out the criminal?  Those are carnal actions and our weapons are not carnal.  When you do these things you are trying to fight Satan in his own forum.  Gay marriage will likely be the law in all 50 states.  Why?  Because we live in a fallen society and they will call good evil and evil good.  My problem with this isn’t that they might marry; my problem is that saints of God will throw up our hands and surrender when the fight hasn’t even been joined yet.
These actions are strongholds.  Satan will not give them up without a fight and we as God’s people are not fighting.  We are wringing our hands and rearing back in disgust while calling them names we should have been delivered from ever using again.  You can’t get these people saved by cursing them.  They are already cursed, already dead.  You can only win them by loving them and praying for them and asking God to save their souls. 
When you read about what some preacher did in the news and the responses are all virulently hostile and angry, it’s because we aren’t fighting correctly.  Satan hates you and you just entered his domain by acting in the flesh.  He can get his people to hate Israel or Christians at the drop of a hat because he appeals to their flesh.  You claim to be holy and then act badly and they shout HYPOCRITE!!  Nobody will care that you lost a loved one that week or just lost your job.  I’m sorry but that’s no excuse; not for me or for you.  You are required to be gracious at all times because THAT is what honors the name of God.
You don’t have to believe me.  Study the scriptures yourself and you will see I’m right.  God didn’t call us to be pub-crawlers and backroom brawlers.  He called us to be ministers of light who swing a powerful spiritual sword that will separate these lost souls from their sin.  That sword may be sharp but it is made out of love and mercy, not hate.  Understand that now.  We are to cut sin out by love and grace, not anger and frustration.
I used to hate sinners.  They made me angry.  I used to begrudge a waiter or waitress their tip.  I used to do a lot of things that made my name stink to those around me.  I used to do these things in the church.  These days I like to think I have changed a bit and am beginning to become that example of the kingdom of God that Isaiah was alluding to.  When I see a saint tearing into someone else or lying or cheating or partying or playing the fool I used to get upset and angry but now I just pray that God might help that person along the road that I have begun to travel on; the road of mercy and grace.
My late Apostle, Joseph Sims was once a street fighter.  He loved to mix it up with others.  Somewhere along the line he got saved, started a church and invited Blacks, Mexicans, and until I showed up even a few white people.  This black man from Blythe California called me son and meant it.  He yelled at me and sent me home when I acted a fool just like he did all his other kids.  That was okay because he still called me son. 
He once told me after I in love and with much prayer used a harsh racial comment in a message, “Son, you can use shock words or do shocking things but at most you have these people’s attention for a limited period of time.  It took most of them ten minutes to decide that you didn’t insult anyone, made a valid point and get back with your message.  That’s ten minutes of influence for the Lord you will never get back.”  I’ve never forgotten those words.  God doesn’t need my strength because I have none.  He doesn’t need my holiness because I don’t have that in abundance either. 
God needs me to be His ambassador in Jesus’ name speaking the words that Jesus spoke.  It’s not easy to love the unlovable but since God was kind enough to start the process in my own life I guess I should just put on my big boy pants and man up.  Who knew that being a man meant being a lover and not a brawler.
Bishop J

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