Tuesday, October 23, 2012

In Honor of Jeannie Lewis

The road was hidden most of the time with no clear direction.  You knelt down in prayer which brought you low enough to see the path ahead and on your knees you followed that lighted way.  “I have children Lord,” you whispered as the clearing seemed to turn away from home and hearth.  “They are my children as well,” came the whispered reply.  Heedless of travel over oceans and into foreign lands the path cared not for your comfort or personal wishes.  “Higher up, further in,” cried the voice of great insistence from somewhere deep inside. 

In moments of strength you stood with hands held high and declared your unwavering faith.  In other seasons you whimpered, “Lord, if it be possible, let this cup pass,” only to continue, “but not my will Lord, thine alone.”  His nurturing Spirit carried, cajoled and comforted you on almost every continent, before moments strong and frail and before those who loved and hated.  Your many wounds served you well and tears brought comfort to others weaker still. 

You cared not for arrogance or haughty lives but raised the weak and humble.  Your example brought an, ‘I can’ attitude to all who heard your counsel. 

This is the season of your peace and if we are not comforted in your absence let us be so for your joy.  You will be missed noble lady … but only briefly.  You will continue to speak in our hearts through that echo of words remembered, and dedication so well known.  One day soon enough we shall make this same journey.

Rest well noble lady and when we too have done as well and fought as hard in the service of our King then we shall see you on that golden path waiving as we enter the gates of glory.  On that day you will no longer be missed for we too shall walk in robes of white with crowns of honor upon our heads. 

Worry not for those you have left behind noble lady for we shall remember all you have spoken into our lives and remember that now it is up to us to enter in.  You have brought us as far as the Lord will allow gracious woman of God.  Now it is up to us. 

When our days are hard and threadbare; if our hearts are bruised and torn.  When we wonder if we can continue, if we can accomplish the task God has given, we can hear your wise words clearly spoken, “Well, why not!” 

Why not indeed?  God will see it come to pass.

Rest well noble lady.

Bishop J

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