Sunday, April 17, 2016

Life Style, Way of Life or The Way, the Truth and the Life

Today in a chapel service the man asked whether we are living a lifestyle as Christians or is it a way of life.  He displayed the Wikipedia definition of the first two.  Here is their definition:

The term lifestyle can denote the interests, opinions, behaviors, and behavioral orientations of an individual, group, or culture.

The term was not coined until almost 1900.  This definition tries to envelop anyone who has the same interests, opinions or behaviors into the same lifestyle.  There is a Goth lifestyle, a gangster lifestyle, a country lifestyle.  There are as many lifestyles as there are people and personalities.

When you discuss way of life you are directed back to lifestyle.  There is a brief neglected definition of way of life that states:

Way of life is a term to describe how a person lives.

If you break it down further and ask yourself what style means you get this:

Style is a manner of doing or presenting things.

When we examine all these things we come to one conclusion.  There is no specific way of doing things.  Your way is as good as my way.  Your plan is just as valid as mine.  Whatever you prefer is for you and whatever I prefer is for me.  To many this means that stealing and murder are no more evil or negative than nurturing and love.  When all is relative, without a bedrock foundation of changeless ideals, there is no right or wrong.

When you examine the various religions we discover gods who battled amongst themselves and whoever wins rules.  In other religions people worship a god that they themselves have created; gods with no power, no breath, no life.  These religions, no matter how full of quaint philosophy or ideals, ultimately fail for the lack of a greater being who ultimately creates and judges those standards.

Man has long mocked the God of the Christians and Jews for His willingness to step back and let us reap the rewards of our disobedience all the while tugging at our eternal spirit and soul.  There was a time on this earth when every man and woman knew God.  They knew Him by experience and intimate personal knowledge.  Even now, thousands of years after mankind’s creation there are men and women who know for a certainty that God exists and is actively involved in our future as a race.

The certainty of that knowledge varies from heart to heart and life to life.  This is not through some failing of God’s power or purpose but of our willingness or unwillingness to submit fully to His eternal plan and instructions.  He has left us with a perfect and unchanging voice that is both blatant and subtle, current and eternal.  He has left us with His LIVING word. 

Many who incorrectly call themselves Christians or Jews or Deists can only accept His perfect word as a series of quaint lessons to be viewed through layers of our own experiences and ideals.  They forget that God intended His Word to be eternal, unchanging, perfect and above all…obeyed.  If that Word is not all of those things and if our obedience to that Word is not required for salvation and eternal life then the Word is not perfect.  It would just be one more compilation of life studies that can be abandoned as one ‘grows’ and ‘matures’ in their knowledge of life.

This attitude of abandoning the purity and perfection of God’s Word is why our nation is stumbling, why this earth is struggling and why mankind rushes to destruction rather than embracing God’s gift of eternal life (Matthew 7:14-14).  As I write this, scriptures float before my inner man which all link together into a perfect whole.  If at any time you feel that there is no answer for your problem, attitude or life, it is not a flaw of Old and New Testament scripture, but of your understanding. 

Even if I cannot answer your question out of my current biblical knowledge it does not mean the answer is not available, merely that I have not learned it.  The beauty is that God loves to help us discover this knowledge…though not without some difficulty (Proverbs 25:2).  Gold and diamonds are not valuable because they are common.  They are valuable for the difficulty in obtaining them.  God’s Word is of incalculable value (Matthew 13:45-46).

God’s Word cannot be read with the goal of proving your point or position.  It can only be read with the desire to be led.  He is not interested in great leaders, but in great followers and servants (Mark 10:42-44).  This alone drives many away.  Many man made religions create conquerors or destroyers.  Some might say that Israel was a conqueror in the Bible but that would be incorrect.  Israel was ordained to bring the truth of God’s Word to all mankind.  Because they largely fell short, Satan used that corrupted formula to deceive mankind for his own purposes.  He creates lies and calls it faith.  I don’t know how many times I have heard people tell me, “There are many ways to come to God.”

That terrible lie has condemned countless millions to an eternity in hell.  God’s answer comes in John 14:6 and says, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”  God didn’t just offer a way of life or a style of life.  God offered one specific way, one clear truth and one acceptable life.  You must go through Jesus’ sacrifice.  You must accept and believe God’s Living Word.  You must strive to live that perfect and holy life. 

God doesn’t hate mankind.  He loved us so much He gave His only begotten son so we wouldn’t perish (John 3:16).  He knows we will fall short and stumble but He expects us to get back up again (Proverbs 24:16) and press into His Word (Philippians 3:13-15).  The truth is you will be hated by those who want to follow their own lifestyle.  You will be hated by those who have their own way of life.  You will be hated by those who falsely say Jesus would not speak against their ‘lifestyle’ (Matthew 10:22-23, 24:9) even though He said to keep His commandments (John 14:15).

Living for God in Christ is a lifetime responsibility.  It requires tremendous effort on our part and a determined effort to gain more knowledge of God’s living word.  Our position is the bride of Christ and in that place we should do everything possible to abide fully in His WAY, His Truth and His life.  There are no shortcuts in our walk with God.  Amos 6:1 says, “Woe to them that are AT EASE in Zion.  When God says to PRESS toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus, it means to be so completely sold out to God that you are almost certain to suffer persecution (Philippians 3:14). 

God never said sin was not pleasant.  He never said it was not tempting.  What He said was, “Be ye holy as I the Lord thy God am Holy (Leviticus 20:7, 1 Peter 1:15-16).”  Being holy, sanctified, set apart and fit for the Master’s use is never easy but its benefits are ETERNAL.

Stay on the path beloved.  Walk in His Way, His Truth and His LIFE!  We need all three to have eternal life.

Bishop J